NEO: The Dark Horse

NEO: The Dark Horse


NEO, like Ethereum, is a circuitous ecosystem and is far added adjustable than Bitcoin. While Ethereum and NEO allotment some similarities, such as the adeptness to assassinate acute affairs and different programming languages, NEO is aiming to actualize what it refers to as a complete “Smart Economy”.

Ethereum is attempting to advance an ecosystem that fosters entrepreneurship, facilitates the conception of broadcast apps, and promotes innovation. In accession to carrying these benefits, NEO incorporates agenda character conception and the adeptness to digitize assets.

The agenda character analysis appearance delivered by NEO accomplish it a absolute adversary to Ethereum, and abode it in a able position to boss the arena acreage in 2025. Regulatory bodies about the apple are now scrambling to accumulate up with the rapidly-shifting blockchain economy, and are agreement a cogent bulk of burden on blockchain platforms to abide compliant.

NEO is alive adamantine to actualize a blockchain band-aid that delivers an agreed aloft all-embracing accepted of agenda identity, which is acutely important for authoritative compliance. In adjustment for institutional organizations and ample industry players to advance in blockchain technology, they crave authoritative compliance.

The NEO blockchain makes it accessible to actualize absolute digitized assets that can be traded and broadcast by both individuals and businesses represented by regulatory-compliant, internationally accustomed agenda character advice standards

The founders of NEO, Da HongFei and Erik Zhang, accept accustomed a belvedere alleged Onchain that integrates NEO into a business-focused arrangement alleged DNA. This belvedere is currently alive against affiliation with Chinese businesses and government— if successful, this affiliation could advance NEO to boss the cogent Eastern blockchain ecosystem.

A above advantage NEO holds over both Bitcoin and Ethereum is the adjustment it uses to accretion consensus— or the adjustment through which arrangement participants accede aloft the accompaniment of the broadcast ledger. Both ETH and BTC use “Proof of Work” as a accord method, which is awfully power-hungry and is a above contributor to the scalability problem.

NEO, however, uses a accord adjustment alleged “Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance”, or dBFT, which is a almost circuitous autonomous adjustment of arrangement aliment that offers a audible advantage— acutely aerial transaction speeds. NEO’s current theoretical best transaction per additional acceleration is a massive 10,000 tps, but in acumen maintains almost 1,000 tps— a cardinal that leaves Bitcoin and Ethereum asthmatic on dust.

By aggressive anon with Ethereum as a broadcast app platform, the success of NEO will be bent by the Dapps that are congenital aloft it. Red Pulse is one of NEO’s best absorbing applications, and intends to incentivise analysis into Chinese markets with eponymous Red Pulse Tokens. The activity has captured the absorption of banking institutions such as Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, and Bank of America Merrill Lynch, all of whom are already application the platform.

While NEO may be apparent as the antipode of the autonomous abstraction of a absolutely bearding decentralized crypto currency, it represents blockchain technology active in a cellophane and absolute manner— which appeals to authoritative bodies that are alert of decentralization, such as the Chinese government.

If NEO is acknowledged in its efforts to accommodate with and conforms to Chinese authoritative acquiescence requirements again it’s acceptable that the ICO ecosystem will about-face from the ERC20 accepted to NEO’s ICO platform, as the Chinese government is currently arise bottomward heavily on antecedent bread offerings.

Should NEO become China’s de facto blockchain of choice, NEO could be 2018’s antecedent crypto. And that could beggarly a chase for additional abode amid Bitcoin and Ethereum.