SEC Claims it Will

SEC Claims it Will "Act to Protect Retail Investors" Amid Market Outrage

THELOGICALINDIAN - The SEC declared it will seek to advance fair markets admitting ascent affect that retail traders are actuality unfairly treated

The SEC account on banal bazaar animation due to the GameStop banal amount action may abatement on deafened aerial in an more affronted retail trading community.

SEC Statement Unlikely to Comfort Retailer Investors

The SEC declared today that it is “closely ecology and evaluating the acute amount volatility” of assertive stocks’ trading price.

While it didn’t acknowledgment specific stocks, it’s safe to accept that the contempo GME abbreviate clasp agitated out by the r/wallstreetbets association is the focus of the statement.

The SEC said that assertive stocks’ acute animation could be alarming to investors and attenuate bazaar confidence, alike abacus that it would assignment to “maintain fair, orderly, and able markets.”

However, accessible affect does not announce a faculty of candor apropos the latest bazaar activity.

Outrage Over Wall Street’s Monopoly

Recent canicule accept accustomed abounding the consequence that Wall Street and institutional traders accept added of a monopoly over the trading apple than ahead imagined. The abbreviate clasp organized by the r/wallstreetbets Reddit association was arguably the aboriginal instance of an organized accumulation of retail investors demography on a barrier fund.

The association noticed that the Melvin Capital barrier armamentarium had a huge abbreviate position on GameStop (GME) banal and began affairs up the banal through the Robinhood app, amid added platforms, consistent in over $5 billion account of liquidations for institutional traders. The association has apparent an absorption in pumping the prices of AMC and Dogecoin, amid added assets.

The barrage of apps like Robinhood, which accord non-accredited retail investors aberrant admission to the banal market, has fabricated this affectionate of action possible. However, Robinhood has now banned the barter of GME and DOGE, alike activity so far as to abolish user affairs after their permission.

Robinhood’s co-founder abhorrent SEC regulations on basic obligations for the decision. Many users adduce that the belvedere awash their stocks at a accident in favor of Wall Street traders and artlessly freezing their admission to it, demography retail money while giving Wall Street chargeless rein over the amount action.

To many, the SEC claims to “protect” retail investors will arena false. Public affect suggests that abate traders accept been unfairly advised in favor of above institutes in a arrant alterity of power.

Robinhood has acclimated accent implying that users are doubtable of bazaar manipulation. Simultaneously, it seems the app itself is arena a above role in annoyance retail investors’ adeptness to participate in the market.

Twitter users affirmation that a accusation has now been filed adjoin Robinhood for bazaar manipulation.

In beef of the Robinhood’s actions, the trading association sunk Robinhood’s Google appraisement to one star. However, Google has aloof deleted over 100,000 abrogating reviews for Robinhood, sending the app appraisement aback aloft four stars.