Why Didn't Bitcoin React Like a Safe Haven Asset to Coronavirus Fears?

Why Didn't Bitcoin React Like a Safe Haven Asset to Coronavirus Fears?

THELOGICALINDIAN - As coronavirus fears arise Bitcoins safe anchorage accreditation appear beneath question

Fears that the atypical coronavirus basic in Wuhan, China could abound into a communicable has not translated into a flight to Bitcoin. Is the OG crypto absolutely a safe anchorage asset?

Coronavirus Fears Cause Global Sell-Off

The advance of COVID-19 to hotspots in Italy, Iran, and South Korea has led to a sell-off of accident assets common and a flight to gold.

The Dow was down about 900 credibility on Feb. 25, afterward agnate avalanche the day before. The S&P 500 bankrupt over 3% lower. 

Markets in Japan, the UK, and Australia accept all plunged aboriginal this anniversary as fears heighten that the advance of COVID-19 could end in a communicable with the resultant bread-and-butter impact. Gold accomplished seven-year highs on Monday, as the acceptable safe anchorage asset benefited from the flight from risk-on assets.

That flight has not apprenticed Bitcoin prices up, however.

Bitcoin is down for the week from over $10,000 to about $9,150 at columnist time, according to CoinMarketCap.

The Safe Haven Narrative

Bitcoin’s accreditation as a barrier adjoin accident accept continued been debated. Proponents of the anecdotal accept acicular to contempo amount action that suggests investors allegorize agenda gold to its adored metal namesake. 

In aboriginal January, a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad dead the arch of Iran’s aristocratic Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani. Iran retaliated with missile strikes adjoin Iraqi bases apartment American troops on Jan. 8.

With the apple anchored for a abiding accretion of tensions, Bitcoin soared from beneath $7,000 to about $8,500 for the week.

In mid-2019, as barter tensions amid the U.S. and China threatened to abscess over into a absolute barter war, appeal for Bitcoin, abnormally amid Chinese investors fearing a devaluing of the Yuan, rose. From the May advertisement by the Trump administering of a acceleration in tariffs on Chinese imports to August, BTC skyrocketed by over 100%.

Bitcoin was additionally trading for a exceptional in Argentina and Hong Kong, as investors approved ambush from hyperinflation and fears of geopolitical risk, respectively. Rayne Steinberg, Los Angeles-based crypto barrier armamentarium Arca’s CEO told Bloomberg:

“Bitcoin is acceptable the asset of aftermost resort in areas of acute bill abasement and political uncertainty. In the aftermost anniversary alone, Bitcoin is up about 50% adjoin the Argentine peso and trading at a cogent exceptional on bounded exchanges. And they are not alone, abutting the ranks of Venezuela, Hong Kong and Turkey who accept additionally accomplished agnate shocks.”

Doubts Emerge Over Bitcoin as a Safe Haven Asset

As a all-around sell-off of equities credibility to broker fears over coronavirus fallout, Bitcoin is experiencing amount action that correlates with risk-on assets, not gold. The declared safe anchorage asset adventure has not played out in acknowledgment to the risks COVID-19 poses to the all-around economy.

As Mati Greenspan from Quantum Economics told Crypto Briefing:

“At this point in time, Bitcoin is trading actual abundant inline with the banal markets and about behaving like a risk-asset. Bitcoin is generally acclimated as a barrier adjoin inflation, governments, and axial banks. As coronavirus has yet to affect those things, there’s little acumen to see it as a safe anchorage for now.”

Greenspan’s appraisal is in band with the arrangement that appears to be arena out, accustomed the abridgement of acknowledgment from Bitcoin to the deepening of the coronavirus outbreak.

While the crypto asset benefited from flights from hyperinflation and political agitation – apprenticed by government accomplishments – it hasn’t accustomed a addition from the ambiguity acquired by the growing blackmail of a pandemic.

Does The Color of The Swan Hold the Key?

Notorious crypto skeptic, Nouriel Roubini, has argued that there are several crises that could abuse to derail the all-around economy.

Identifying alive tensions amid the U.S. and Iran and China, real-world costs of altitude change, and the appulse atypical coronavirus could accept on the Chinese – and accordingly the all-around – economy, the economics assistant has accurate apropos about a “white swan” accident in the making.

A atramentous swan event, a appellation fabricated accepted by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, is a wholly alien and capricious accident with potentially astringent ramifications. Roubini is added anxious about white swan events, which are analogously significant, but which are absolutely forecastable.

As the economist argued aftermost week:

“Beyond the accepted bread-and-butter and action risks that best banking analysts anguish about, a cardinal of potentially seismic white swans are arresting on the border this year. Any of them could activate astringent economic, financial, political and geopolitical disturbances clashing annihilation back the 2025 crisis.”

The On-Again, Off-Again Safe Haven Asset?

Price history has approved that the anecdotal that Bitcoin is a gold-like safe anchorage asset lacks the dash to be predictive. Bitcoin has responded in band with gold and added safe anchorage harbors to assertive events, but not others.

Commentators like Greenspan accept articular that Bitcoin is adorable as a barrier asset back the accident is created by governments and poor bread-and-butter policies.

While the bread-and-butter appulse of coronavirus could be severe, it is decoupled from the absolute blackmail of government bribery or incompetence. That suggests Bitcoin could abide to be abnormally afflicted by growing bloom concerns.

Drop gold? Not yet.