A Visit to a Bitcoin Mining Farm in Sichuan, China Reveals Troubles Beyond Regulation

A Visit to a Bitcoin Mining Farm in Sichuan, China Reveals Troubles Beyond Regulation

THELOGICALINDIAN - As abounding baby and mediumsized mining abstracts centers in Sichuan Guizhou and Inner Mongolia are bankrupt for the account of ecology aegis the blooming ones that abide operational usually abstain media exposureAfter talking with dozens of abstracts centermost owners newsBitcoincom was accepted the adventitious to appointment a mining acreage in Chengdu alone to acquisition that miners there are adverse added acute problems than regulation

Also Read: Chinese Bitcoin Miners Explore Relocating Abroad Amid Fears of Crackdown

Bitcoiners Negotiated with Hydropower Stations to Set Up Mining Farms

Following a four-hour flight from Hangzhou to Chengdu and a two-hour drive from the airport to a baby village, we assuredly accustomed at a hydropower station.

A Visit to a Bitcoin Mining Farm in Sichuan, China Reveals Troubles Beyond RegulationElectric manual curve are installed from the base to the blue-roofed mining factory. There are three mining abstracts centers and anniversary has 2,500 mining machines. The operations administrator Chuan told us that the electricity price has added from 0.3 yuan per kwh to 0.4 per kWh as Sichuan is in its dry season.

We asked how he begin the abode and adjourned with bounded admiral and he replied that starting a mining armpit is an advance with low thresholds.

Workers Were Fired as They Were Caught Stealing Electricity to Mine for Themselves

The mining armpit is abounding with massive fans. When we stepped central the door, all of the workers angry their active to look. Chuan leaned over and aside “Excuse them, these boys haven’t met any visitors for a continued time.”

The abstracts centermost looks blowzy and bedraggled on annual of all its blind affairs and mining rigs. Chuan said that they are shorthanded and charge committed workers to booty affliction of the machines.

“I accursed three guys 20 canicule ago because I bent them burglary electricity to abundance bitcoin for themselves. It is a accessible abstruse amid workers. They consistently do this at midnight to escape attention. There is so abundant for these new guys to learn. I told them to abutting the door, but they accept to accumulate the aperture accessible and clay aloof settles everywhere about the mining rigs.”

Miners Are Plagued with Poor Management and Cliques at Work

At the abstracts center, we saw two types of miners: Antminer for bitcoin, and GPU miners for ETH and Zcash. Chuan believes that Antminer is the best amid Avalon and Ebit. They are ”low aliment and activity saving”, says Chuan. The boilerplate shelf activity of a miner would be two years. If annihilation goes amiss with machines that workers cannot fix, they aloof acknowledgment them to the after-sales service. He added that he sees Ebit as the best absolute adversary to Antminer.

When Chuan went to acknowledgment nature’s call, we had a quick babble with a artisan continuing by the door. He appear himself to be a new alum who begin bitcoin mining “unreal” and absitively to booty the job. He acclimated the chat “exciting” to call his activity here. Whenever it’s cafeteria time, all workers will blitz into the kitchen. If he acts slow, there will be no aliment larboard for him. And they all beddy-bye in the warehouse, with the alone ball the befalling to barter bedraggled jokes with one other. He added appear that:

Note: The mining armpit belongs to Ryan, an aboriginal bitcoin adopter in Australia. He owns several mining factories in China. This July, he was interviewed by China’s axial television, alone to suffer, afterwards the affairs had aired, best of his Sichuan mining sites actuality closed. To admixture his woes, he was accursed by Chinese miners for actuality “an idiot” and was labeled the best hated man in the mining industry. Large-scale bitcoin mining ability complete like accessible money, but as Sichuan’s miners will attest, it’s a stress-fraught job that’s bedeviled with risks.

What do you anticipate are the capital threats adverse bitcoin miners? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, and CCTV.

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