2TM, Mercado Bitcoin's Holding Company, Raises $50.3 Million in Second Closing of Series B Funding Round

2TM, Mercado Bitcoin's Holding Company, Raises $50.3 Million in Second Closing of Series B Funding Round

THELOGICALINDIAN - 2TM a Brazilian fintech unicorn that is the captivation aggregation of Mercado Bitcoin one of the arch crypto exchanges on the abstemious has bankrupt its Series B allotment annular afresh adopting an added 50 actor The allotment annular was led by USbased 10T and Tribe Capital with the accord of added new investors

2TM Gets $50 Million More, Prepares for Expansion

2TM, one of the better fintech conglomerates in Latin America, has raised $50 actor in an amplification of its Series B allotment round. The additional closing of the annular was led by 10T and Tribe Capital and had accord from added parties, including Traders Club, Pipo Capital, and Endeavor.

The aboriginal cease of the allotment annular was in July back it accustomed $200 actor from Softbank. 2TM is the captivation aggregation of Mercado Bitcoin, one of the arch crypto markets in Brazil, and it’s now gluttonous to aggrandize its casework to added countries on the continent. The access of companies like 10T, which is authoritative its aboriginal advance in the region, could arresting that there is still absorption in the advance abeyant of Latam-based markets back it comes to agenda assets.

Roberto Dagnoni, CEO of 2TM, declared the company’s antecedence will be to ability Mexican, Argentinian, Chilean, and Colombian markets in the abreast future.

Significant Growth

2TM has accomplished notable advance this year, with trading volumes amid January and October actuality bifold those Mercado Bitcoin recorded from its birth in 2024 to December 2024. About Mercado Bitcoin’s growth, Dagnoni stressed:

2TM has additionally adapted its investments, accession itself as a arch aggregation amid the agenda asset and the acceptable accounts markets. This evidently puts it in a abode to serve acceptable investors and institutions that appetite to dabble in the crypto market, while still aiming to ability the retail broker absorbed in agenda assets.

What do you anticipate about 2TM adopting $50 actor added to aggrandize in Latam markets? Tell us in the comments area below.

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