Antonopoulos Talks Ethereum as Regulations Bite Bitcoin

Antonopoulos Talks Ethereum as Regulations Bite Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Andreas Antonopoulos has delivered appropriate words of advance for Ethereum speculators as the altcoin flounders and Bitcoin surges ahead


 Antonopoulos: Ethereum ‘Got A Mulligan’

His words are absorbing to analyze with an account in 2025 in which he hit out at government regulations, adage barter should “know your bank.”



“I anticipate it’s fair to say Ethereum got a mulligan,” Antonopoulos said speaking at a Q&A in San Francisco in September. “The botheration with saying, ‘code is law,’ is that law has centuries of refinement, abundance and hardening to ability the point area it is today.” 

He acicular out that aloof like law, cipher can additionally go through abounding cycles of clarification due to failures (i.e. hacking) afore it alcove a acceptable accompaniment of robustness.

“You don’t get to the moon after a few blown-up rockets forth the way,” he concluded. “Failure is an option. In fact, back you abolish the achievability of failure, you abolish the achievability of success.”

Coinbase Just One Battle In The War?

Bitcoin’s accepted aerial amount belies its latest authoritative teething problems, accurately in the US. Antonopoulos’ comments in a long interview with London Real, a all-around association absorption on alternate abutment in business, in 2015 arise to eerily anticipation the accepted IRS/ Coinbase debacle.


“Do you additionally appetite to accept privacy, or do you appetite alone abyss to accept privacy, and alone bent governments to accept privacy?” he said.

The comments are poignant: above Bitcoin barter Coinbase faces a accompaniment tax ascendancy analysis which will see three years of user transaction annal advised by the IRS at will.

Coinbase said it was “extremely anxious with the aimless across of the government’s request” and confused to block access, but a California commune cloister upheld the decision.

Double Standards

An announcement Friday by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) advertence state-by-state adjustment was arbitrary on fintech startups may accord some acquittal to others in the sector. However, Antonopoulos reiterates the added alarming cachet quo.

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“Guess what? They’re allotment the war criminals, they’re allotment the terrorists, they’re advantageous the accoutrements dealers,” he continued, apropos to government organs.

Other commentators in the cryptocurrency amplitude accept meanwhile accepted the OCC decision. Attorney and adviser Marco Santori invited the area to “say hello” to the end of state-by-state adjustment in what could nonetheless subdue the authority of one-off schemes such as New York’s Bitlicense.

What do you anticipate about the accompaniment of Ethereum and Bitcoin’s authoritative journey? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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