August 2025 Volume Rankings Report: ETC and Dash Top Ten

August 2025 Volume Rankings Report: ETC and Dash Top Ten

THELOGICALINDIAN - During August the account aggregate acquaint by the majority of arch cryptocurrency markets connected to abatement Despite such the ETC and Dash markets afresh defied the trend to column an access in barter aggregate with XRP additionally bucking the bottomward trend this month

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Top 5 Most Traded Cryptocurrency Markets Posts Month-Over-Month Decline in Volume

August 2018 Aggregate Rankings Report: ETC and DASH Top TenTrade aggregate for BTC pairings beneath by 5.34% during August – falling from $131 billion USD aftermost ages to $124 billion during the aftermost thirty days, according to Satoshi Pulse.

USDT saw the aboriginal aggregate aberration of the above cryptocurrency markets this month, with $82.9 billion account of Tether alteration easily during the aftermost thirty canicule – a 3% bead in trading action back compared with July.

ETH has maintained its position as the third best traded cryptocurrency, however, saw a bead from July’s $53 billion in thirty-day barter aggregate to column $45.75 billion for August. The about 14% bead apparent the third after ages of crumbling aggregate for Ethereum.

EOS additionally acquaint its third after ages of crumbling volume, with August’s $18.1 billion bottomward about 11.3% from July’s $20.4 billion.

Bitcoin Cash saw a bead in trading action during August, bottomward 31.3% from July’s $14.85 billion to column $10.2 billion in thirty-day volume.

ETC, XRP, and DASH Defy Downward Trend

August 2018 Aggregate Rankings Report: ETC and DASH Top TenOf the top ten best traded cryptocurrencies during August, ETC, XRP, and Dash were the alone markets to column an access in aggregate month-over-month.

Ethereum Classic climbed from eighth to sixth afterwards experiencing an access in thirty-day trading aggregate for the fourth ages in a row – with August’s $7.9 billion absolute an about 18% access over July’s $6.7 billion for ETC.

XRP has maintained its position as the 7th best traded cryptocurrency market, with August’s $7.8 billion absolute a 13% access in barter aggregate over July’s $6.9 billion.

LTC accomplished a accelerate aback bottomward to eighth afterwards baronial sixth for two afterwards months afterwards announcement $7.14 billion in thirty-day barter aggregate – a 16.7% bead in trading action back compared with July’s $8.57 billion.

Dash has connected to ascend the rankings, with August’s $5.26 billion adorning Dash to ninth position and absolute a 5.2% month-over-month accretion from the $5 billion in thirty that propelled DASH into the top ten best traded markets aftermost month.

Despite announcement a 9.1% bead in account barter volume, Qtum has crept aback into the top ten best traded markets with $4 billion afterwards bottomward to 11th aftermost ages with $4.4 billion.

Many Leading Crypto Markets See Significant Volume Volatility

August 2018 Volume Rankings Report: ETC and DASH Top TenThe TRX Markets accept connected to accelerate bottomward the rankings, sitting at eleventh for August with $3.45 billion – a 36.7% bead from aftermost month’s $5.45 billion. TRX was the sixth best traded cryptocurrency bazaar during May, however, slid to ninth during June and July.

CKUSD has climbed from fourteenth to rank twelfth for August afterwards announcement $3.36 billion in account barter aggregate – a almost 16% access over July’s 2.9 billion.

ZEC acquaint amid the arch aggregate assets produced by a arch cryptocurrency bazaar during August, with $2.9 billion account of Zcash exchanging easily during the aftermost thirty canicule – an about 35% access over July’s $2.15 billion. ZEC ranked thirteenth for August, up from sixteenth aftermost month.

Ontology saw the arch allotment accretion in barter aggregate of the arch crypto markets, with August’s $2.34 billion absolute a 41% access over July’s $1.66 billion. The access in trading action has animated ONT from the twentieth to the fourteenth best ranked cryptocurrency bazaar by thirty-day barter volume.

XLM has maintained its position as the fifteenth best traded cryptocurrency, admitting August’s $1.94 billion absolute a 15.65% bead from July’s $2.3 billion.

ADA and NEO Slide Significantly in Volume Rankings

August 2018 Volume Rankings Report: ETC and DASH Top TenADA saw a cogent bead in trading action during August, sliding from thirteenth in July to sixteenth this accomplished ages with $1.84 billion – a 40.65% bead from aftermost month’s $3.1 billion.

NEO saw the better bead in barter aggregate of the above cryptocurrency markets, sliding from twelfth to seventeenth afterwards announcement a thirty-day aggregate of $1.83 billion – a 46.2% bead from July’s $3.4 billion.

Do you anticipate that the majority of the arch cryptocurrency markets will abide to announcement crumbling aggregate month-over-month? Share your thoughts in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock

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