Bank of America And JP Morgan Report Results, Turns Out They Could Have Done With Bitcoin After All

Bank of America And JP Morgan Report Results, Turns Out They Could Have Done With Bitcoin After All

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bank of America and JP Morgan are adversity from a abridgement of animation in the markets assumption what could accept remedied this

If the cryptocurrency amplitude was asked to name a account of its top bristles best awful individuals from 2024, one name would consistently accomplish the account – Jamie Dimon.

Most account will acceptable already be accustomed with Dimon. For those that are not, he is the guy abaft the now abominable comments apropos bitcoin actuality a counterfeit asset and – after – that the amount acceleration we accept apparent this year is a balloon that’s, inevitably, activity to pop abreast term. He’s additionally the chairman, president, and arch controlling administrator of JPMorgan Chase, the better of the big four American banks.

He fabricated these comments aback in September and again angled bottomward on the anti-Bitcoin sentiment, declaring that people who buy bitcoin are stupid.

Fast advanced to today, area at an broker appointment in New York, Both JP Morgan and Bank of America accept aloof appear annual numbers and it looks as admitting both entities could accept done with a bit of bitcoin in their lives afterwards all.

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan and JP Morgan CFO Marianne Lake are both advertisement a 15% bead in trading revenues so far this quarter compared to the aforementioned aeon in 2024.   Trading revenues are the revenues that these companies accomplish as they buy and advertise assorted assets in the banking markets – stocks, bonds, currencies, that array of thing.

BofA and JP Morgan barter revenues

Revenues access back added trades booty abode and for added trades to booty abode you charge volatility. During the third division of this year, animation beyond the added acceptable banking assets was low (based on the abridgement of above geopolitical events, bread-and-butter abstracts surprises, etc.) and this resulted in the chastened revenues that admiral at Morgan and BoA are reporting.

Of course, one affair could accept badly added the amount of animation to which the trading floors of these companies were able to betrayal themselves to during the third division of 2024 – cryptocurrency.

As we reported recently JP Morgan is now abandoning its assessment and is comparing Bitcoin to gold. The latest letters suggesting that a abridgement of animation has translated to attenuated trading revenues (which these banks await on heavily for basal band expansion), back accumulated with the abstraction that bitcoin ability absolutely be a reasonable abundance of amount (especially in a risk-off environment), are acceptable to aching Dimon and his aeon at the top of acceptable American finance.

What do you anticipate about animation in the space? Is it abundant to put you off an exposure? Should US banks be trading bitcoin and added coins? Let us apperceive below!

Image address Wikimedia Commons, ZeroHedge