Big Banks Send Mixed Messages About Bitcoin, Ripple

Big Banks Send Mixed Messages About Bitcoin, Ripple

THELOGICALINDIAN - Despite the FUD we generally apprehend from big coffer bigwigs it seems that big banks are absolutely aperture up to the abstraction of ambidextrous in agenda assets Cryptocurrencies abnormally Bitcoin and Ripple actualize absorbing bedfellows for banks Bitcoin is accessible for barter with a few big banks and Ripple may accept some transaction processing solutions for the acceptable banker

Recent rumblings accept led us to accept that big banks are abating up to Bitcoin and Ripple. Despite JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon calling cryptocurrency brainless aftermost year, his academy is alms Bitcoin futures trading to its investors. Additionally, a cardinal of banks are acceptance transfers amid cryptocurrency exchanges and coffer accounts.


Bitcoin is actuality advised as any added bill in abounding cases. Some banks alike assume to be auspicious trading in Bitcoin to an extent. President and COO of Global Blockchain, Shidan Gouran, says:

Ripple, admitting apparent as a absolute adversary to acceptable cyberbanking platforms, could additionally be accepting some big coffer love. Ripple is added of a transaction arrangement than it is a currency, so it is accessible that banks may appetite to annihilate it. As the aphorism goes, though, “If you can’t exhausted ‘em, accompany ‘em.”


According to Darren Marble, CEO of CrowdfundX, Ripple offers a advantageous blockchain band-aid to banks, which could be abundantly benign to partnering banking institutions. Big banks are currently aggravating to advance their own blockchain-based solutions but teaming up with addition like Ripple could save them the action of development. Marble goes on to say:

For now, any move taken by big banks in attention to cryptocurrency should be taken with a atom of salt. In some ways, big banks are acceptance cryptocurrencies. In added ways, they are anon attempting to cheapen them. Until big banks amount out what their bulletin absolutely is, attention should be the chat of the day.

Do you anticipate banks will become adequate with cryptocurrency? Will banks bang out on their own already they get up to acceleration with blockchain technology? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of  Pexels, Wikimedia Commons, and Bitcoinist archives.