Binance Integrates Ethereum Layer 2 Network Optimism

Binance Integrates Ethereum Layer 2 Network Optimism

THELOGICALINDIAN - Binance now supports deposits to the Ethereum Layer 2 arrangement Optimism

Binance additionally chip Arbitrum aftermost year. 

Binance Commits to Optimism 

Binance is optimistic about the approaching of Ethereum’s Layer 2. 

The arch cryptocurrency barter announced it had chip Optimism Friday, abacus to its November 2021 Arbitrum integration. The move allows barter to drop ETH beeline to Optimism after accepting to drop on Ethereum mainnet and use a arch to drift assimilate Layer 2. That agency they’ll be able to move their assets and admission the Ethereum arrangement at a lower cost. 

Optimism is one of several Layer 2 projects alive to advice Ethereum accomplish scalability. It leverages Optimistic Rollups, a technology that reduces cartage on Ethereum by processing affairs on a new arrangement and again sending them to Ethereum mainnet as calldata. Optimistic Rollups action cogent advantages over Ethereum in agreement of acceleration and transaction costs, admitting they do ache from continued mainnet abandonment periods of up to a week. Optimism and Arbitrum are currently Ethereum’s two arch Optimistic Rollup solutions, already hosting the brand of Aave and added top DeFi projects. Arbitrum is currently arch the Layer 2 chase over Optimism with about $2.76 billion in absolute amount bound to Optimism’s $500 million. Optimism was in the spotlight aftermost ages back it announced its OP badge launch, and rumors advance that Arbitrum could chase with its own badge in the future. 

Besides Optimistic Rollups, the added able Layer 2 technology that Ethereum is action on to become added convenient is ZK-Rollups. By leveraging a cryptographic technology accepted as zero-knowledge proofs, ZK-Rollup solutions action a way to array abounding affairs calm and accomplish them to Ethereum’s Layer One as a distinct proof. Projects alive in the ZK-Rollups area accommodate zkSync and StarkWare. 

While Ethereum’s Layer 2 amplitude is accepting momentum, Ethereum itself additionally has a big few months ahead. This year, the top acute arrangement arrangement is accepted to address its long-awaited “Merge” to Proof-of-Stake. The barrage date for the advancement is still unknown, admitting contempo hints from the Ethereum Foundation advance that it could appear as anon as August. Ethereum has already completed several committed Merge testnets and is due to address the amend on the Ropsten testnet about Jun. 8. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic ETH, AAVE, and several added cryptocurrencies.