‘Bitcoin Has Activated Its Immune System’: Bitcoin.com Lawsuit Opens Donations

‘Bitcoin Has Activated Its Immune System’: Bitcoin.com Lawsuit Opens Donations

THELOGICALINDIAN - One of the organizers of a accusation adjoin cryptocurrency advice and wallet provider Bitcoincom says he hopes to accretion donations to action artifice beyond the industry

As the widely-publicized accusation sees both abutment and success this week, the amusing media user accepted as MoneyTrigz told Bitcoinist that already the dedicated website enables donations, the repercussions could extend further.

The official Bitcoin donation abode is:


Donating with Bitcoin

“It seems the bitcoin association has activated its allowed system. The bodies are fed up, and appetite to advance back,” he wrote in clandestine comments.

The Bitcoin.com accusation came about afterwards months of users accusatory they had been misled into cerebration Bitcoin Cash was Bitcoin itself – a convenance the resource, whose buyer Roger Ver is a allegiant Bitcoin Cash investor, advisedly affianced in.

From misunderstandings to accident of funds from sending Bitcoin Cash tokens to a Bitcoin address, MoneyTrigz is alms abetment to those who feel they suffered amercement as a absolute aftereffect of Bitcoin.com’s content.

Having acquired the abutment of over 1000 people in its Telegram group, the accusation claimed its aboriginal battleground achievement afore alike clearly alpha this weekend back Bitcoin.com afflicted some of its agreeable to accompaniment the opposite of what it did previously.

“Already in actual abbreviate timespan we won a action and had a absolute appulse by authoritative bitcoin.com change best (not all) of its ambiguous and counterfeit practices,” MoneyTrigz continued.

He added that added advice on the official attributes of the accusation will appear in due course.

What do you anticipate about the abeyant for the Bitcoin.com lawsuit? Let us apperceive in the comments area below!

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