Bitcoin Touches $60,000 Amid ETF Approval Rumors

Bitcoin Touches $60,000 Amid ETF Approval Rumors

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin briefly broken through 60000 beforehand today

The top cryptocurrency is continuing its ascendance amidst rumors of a abeyant Bitcoin futures ETF approval. While buy orders are axle up, transaction history shows that BTC could be on the aisle to extensive new best highs.  

Bitcoin Targets New All-Time Highs

Bitcoin briefly beyond $60,000 beyond all above exchanges this morning, signaling that new almanac highs could be on the horizon. 

The flagship cryptocurrency has acquired over 2,600 credibility in bazaar amount over the accomplished few hours as belief mounts about a abeyant Bitcoin futures ETF approval. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy recently encouraged investors to “weigh the abeyant risks and benefits” afore advance in the avant-garde agenda asset. 

Although the agenda refers to an investor bulletin appear in mid-June, sources accustomed with the amount accept affirmed that the federal bureau may acquiesce a Bitcoin futures ETF to activate trading as anon as abutting week.  

From an on-chain perspective, whales arise to be advancing for a absolute outcome. Addresses captivation 100 to 100,000 BTC accept bought over 30,000 BTC account almost $1.8 billion in the aftermost three days. Meanwhile, added than 10,000 BTC accept been removed from accepted cryptocurrency barter wallets aural the aforementioned period.

While the affairs burden abaft Bitcoin continues to increase, IntoTheBlock’s In/Out of the Money Around Price (IOMAP) archetypal shows there are no accumulation barriers ahead. The alone ample absorption breadth sits at $63,000, area 62,000 addresses accept ahead purchased added than 50,000 BTC. 

Due to the contempo affairs action amid whales, it’s accessible that Bitcoin could hit a new best aerial of $80,000 afterwards breaching the $63,000 barrier. 

It is account acquainted that a adjournment in a Bitcoin-related ETF approval in the U.S. could abort investors and access affairs pressure. Under such different circumstances, the IOMAP shows that the best cogent abutment akin beneath BTC sits at $55,700. Failing to authority aloft this acute appeal bank could aftereffect in a abrupt abatement against $50,000. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic BTC and ETH.