Winkle-loss: Top 5 Reactions to Bitcoin’s Historic ETF Rejection

Winkle-loss: Top 5 Reactions to Bitcoin’s Historic ETF Rejection

THELOGICALINDIAN - As Bitcoin holds close afterward the SEC bounce of the Winklevoss ETF reactions central and alfresco the association ambit from the abstract to the ridiculous

As the accommodation was appear backward Friday, Bitcoin’s amount confused over $100, but as of Saturday has steadied at about $1,180 USD.


The credible animation to setbacks underlines a new trend for the cryptocurrency, afraid off animation from authoritative and aldermanic decisions which in antecedent years beatific prices tumbling.

As the industry looks to the future, actuality are some of the top reactions from acclaimed abstracts in Bitcoin and the media.

Perhaps Bitcoin’s best acclaimed face delivered a about apathetic appraisement of the SEC decision, highlighting in a alternation of tweets that bequest approval of confusing technology is a poor angle from which to progress.


Antonopoulos additionally poked fun at boilerplate media letters of Bitcoin accident “legitimacy” due to the ETF.

Somewhat beneath upbeat was ShapeShift CEO Erik Voorhees, whose actual abridgment of Friday’s contest agitated a accommodated tone.


Voorhees declared the SEC as “regulators killing innovation” and “protecting banks from competition, blame anybody else.”

In a abrupt adverse to Voorhees, Civic CEO and industry agent Vinny Lingham said the accommodation not to accept the ETF was “sanity prevailing” – the timing was “premature,” he stated.

Lingham had ahead warned of the abeyant accident a abrupt upshoot in the Bitcoin amount could do to the industry continued term, abnormally if the $3,000 barrier were breached too soon.

As yet, ‘Bitcoin Jesus’ Roger Ver has not fabricated any accessible statements about the aftereffect of the ETF or its association for Bitcoin’s future.

For the agog Bitcoin Unlimited supporter, who aftermost anniversary connected the acrimonious agitation over the ascent affair by ablution his own mining pool, it appears to be business as usual.

Roger Ver Bitcoin Uncensored block size

Ver’s cheep from Friday, which focussed on declared “aggressive marketing” by absolute attestant supporters, drew alloyed responses.

Perhaps the best annoying acknowledgment of all came (predictably) from a boilerplate media source.

In a allotment evocative of archetypal Bitcoin obituaries of antecedent years, the WSJ declared Bitcoin a “useless investment” now that the ETF had been refused.

“…[T]he bounce by U.S. regulators of their plan for an exchange-traded artefact captivation bitcoin is a acceptable time to ask why bitcoin ability accept any value, and if it does whether it makes faculty to abundance it,” the cardboard writes.

What do you anticipate about the reactions from the association to the ETF decision? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Shutterstock, Twitter