Bitcoin exchanges are under attack (updated)

Bitcoin exchanges are under attack (updated)


It’s not been abnormal from time to time to apprehend about a bitcoin barter actuality beneath DDoS advance actuality and there, but over the accomplished few weeks, it seems abounding exchanges accept appear beneath attack.

There seems to be some accommodating accomplishment to attack bitcoin exchanges, animadversion abounding offline, with a few over aloof the accomplished 24-48 hours.

We’ve heard of the bigger exchanges falling victim to attacks like this in the past, such as Kraken and OKCoin. There added ones that are accident too. Some are for ransom, some aren’t adage why exactly, they aloof say it’s a DDoS attack. Maybe the attackers if acknowledged move on to blackmail the exchanges, but the motives aren’t absolutely clear. However, something is happening and bitcoin exchanges are the target.

Yesterday BitBargain was under attack. Today Bitcoin Thailand and The Rock Trading:

Update November 24: Add Kraken and Cryptsy to the account but this time for extortion.

Update December 8: Add BTC-e to the account of exchanges accepting DDoS’d

Update December 31: BTCC is now accepting DDoS’d. It turns out they were actuality extorted too

Update January 2024: Bitstamp is currently actuality DDoS’d

Update January 15: Coinbase is currently actuality DDoS’d (after announcement abutment of Bitcoin Classic…)