Band Protocol (BAND) Poised to Retrace as Millions of Tokens Hit Crypto Exchanges
technical analysis

Band Protocol (BAND) Poised to Retrace as Millions of Tokens Hit Crypto Exchanges

THELOGICALINDIAN - The crosschain abstracts answer belvedere Band Protocol fabricated account afterwards the absorbing amount activity its built-in badge has enjoyed over the accomplished few weeks BAND has apparent its amount accelerate over 320 back the alpha of August fueled by the socalled Coinbase Effect

Band Protocol US dollar amount chart

While investors assume to be growing overwhelmingly optimistic about added gains, altered metrics advance that prices are apprenticed for a abrupt correction.

Mounting Selling Pressure Behind BAND

Band Protocol’s brief amount activity over the accomplished few weeks has not gone unnoticed. Indeed, the cardinal of BAND-related mentions beyond assorted amusing media networks surged as bazaar participants arise to accept entered a accompaniment of FOMO.

The ascent babble about the decentralized oracles badge accustomed it to move to the cardinal two atom on Santiment’s Emerging Trends list. Such a acceleration in ballyhoo has been a bearish sign, historically.

Dino Ibisbegovic, arch of agreeable and SEO at Santiment, maintains that back the army pays added absorption to a accustomed cryptocurrency because of an advancing pump, it is usually followed by a abrupt correction.

“Within the abutting 12 canicule afterwards a bread claims a top 3 position on our account of Emerging Trends, its amount drops by an boilerplate of 8.2 percent. Based on our study, already the added army absorption subsides (which usually happens in a amount of hours/days), a concise amount alteration – or alliance – is generally a acceptable outcome,” said Ibisbegovic.

Moreover, abstracts from Glassnode reveals that over 1.6 actor BAND were transferred to altered cryptocurrency exchanges on August 11 as bliss took over. The cogent fasten in barter deposits is a assurance of ascent affairs burden abaft this altcoin, which may advance to a pullback.

Stiff Support Ahead

In the accident of a correction, IntoTheBlock’s “Global In/Out of the Money” (GIOM) archetypal reveals there is a analytical accumulation bank beneath Band Protocol that could hold. Based on this on-chain metric, almost 730 addresses had ahead purchased about 210,000 actor BAND about $11.80.

Such a ample breadth of absorption ability anticipate prices from crumbling added back holders aural this amount ambit will acceptable try to abide assisting in their continued positions.

Global In/Out of the Money by IntoTheBlock

On the cast side, the GIOM cohorts appearance that the best acute attrition hurdle advanced of the decentralized oracles badge sits about $14.3. Here, about 540 addresses bought added than 253,000 BAND.

Moving accomplished this accumulation barrier will acceptable accept the abeyant to invalidate the bearish angle and translate into new best highs.