BTC.SX Releases Bitcoin Savings Account, Rebrands to Magnr

BTC.SX Releases Bitcoin Savings Account, Rebrands to Magnr

THELOGICALINDIAN - BTCSX a trading belvedere which has brokered over 60000 trades back 2024 In the aboriginal year of operation abandoned BTCSX has transacted over 50000000 account of Bitcoin With avant-garde appearance like 101 advantage to access bazaar acknowledgment as able-bodied as aegis appearance to accumulate your Bitcoins through algid accumulator and animal audits

Disclaimer: This commodity was provided by Bitcoin PR Buzz. Bitcoinist is not affiliated with BTC.SX/Magnr and is not amenable for its articles and/or services.

Fast advanced into now, with BTC.SX absolution their additional product. Magnr, a blockchain based Bitcoin accumulation annual powered by’s time-tested infrastructure.

According to there are over $750 actor account of Bitcoin sitting idle. Magnr gives them the befalling to put their Bitcoin to use.”

The Magnr aggregation whom founded this abstraction consists of advance cyberbanking veterans including:

Through the addition of Magnr, the trading belvedere will additionally be renamed to Magnr as well. This strengthens the accord amid the two products.

Interest ante will alpha out at 2.18% per year for the 6 ages promotional period. Thanks to blockchain technology, users can drop and verify funds in absolute time as able-bodied as account if absorption has been paid out correctly.

The blockchain has the abeyant to disrupt, innovate, or absolutely put technologies to extinction. Magnr and their blockchain based accumulation annual is one of the abounding “firsts” that will appear from all-embracing blockchain technology into FinTech as able-bodied as abounding added industries in the world.

The Original Press Release antecedent is Bitcoin PR Buzz

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