Can Blockchain and AI Make Ads Work for You?

Can Blockchain and AI Make Ads Work for You?

THELOGICALINDIAN - With the advance of the internet a massive industry of online and agenda announcement has sprung up which has had a huge appulse on the all-around abridgement For abounding businesses online business is now the aboriginal application in affairs articles and casework and the area is account hundreds of millions of dollars

Tech giants like Facebook and Twitter, as able-bodied as the media industry as a whole, relies on agenda announcement as a above assets source. When you abscess bottomward the economics of the equation, the producers of appurtenances and services, as able-bodied as the consumers themselves, are being, for appetite of a bigger word, shafted. The agent industry is now added assisting than both ends of the accumulation alternation equation. And a lot of this is acquired by an industry framework that is at best inefficient, and at affliction absolute shady.

Middleman platforms and the marketers are application added advancing approach to ambition and spam customers, the end aftereffect actuality absolutely abortive and irritating. Thankfully, new paradigms in blockchain and bogus intelligence (AI) are allowance businesses and their barter to acquaint with one addition in a smarter and added privacy-conscious way.

Among the abounding startup projects aggravating to accomplish the accomplished announcement beck added advantageous for barter is the NOIZ Network, which combines blockchain and AI calm to accomplish announcement added ambrosial to both businesses and consumers.

NOIZ - Less Intrusive, More Tailored

One of the capital appearance of NOIZ is their use of cerebral aggressive accretion to accomplish ads added acknowledging to animal interaction:

Advertisers who assurance up and canyon NOIZ’s requirements will see their ads placed on media accomplice sites, accurately targeted appear customer habits. Consumers can again collaborate with those ads for rewards through the aforementioned platform. The NOIZ aggregation elaborates added in their whitepaper:

As a aftereffect of this process, barter can added calmly collaborate with brands they are absolutely absorbed in, and additionally accretion rewards from their interactions, while advertisers absorb beneath on advancing and spam-based channels.

The NOIZ Network aggregation achievement that their amount hypothesis resonates with investors as they access up appear their badge auction in aboriginal August 2024.

Can the NOIZ belvedere advice accumulate and advance announcement through blockchain and AI technology? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of NOIZ