Coin Metrics Raises $15M Series B Funding Led by Goldman Sachs 

Coin Metrics Raises $15M Series B Funding Led by Goldman Sachs 

THELOGICALINDIAN - Crypto abstracts analytics provider Coin Metrics appear that it aloft 15 actor in Series B allotment annular led by advance coffer Goldman Sachs Coin Metrics is amenable for accouterment arrangement abstracts bazaar abstracts indexes and arrangement accident solutions The costs will acquiesce the abstracts analytics aggregation to abide accretion beat and innovation

Previous investors Castle Island Ventures, Highland Capital Partners, Fidelity Investments, Avon Ventures, Communitas Capital, and Collab Currency are additionally accretion their advance in the company. They are abutting by 4 new investors in Acrew Ventures, Morningside Group, Blockfi and Warburg Serres.

The address declared that Matthew McDermott, who is Managing Administrator at Goldman and a ample backer of the firm’s contempo adventure into cryptocurrencies, will accompany Coin Metrics’ as a lath of director.

“Data is analytical for the boilerplate acceptance of crypto assets by acceptable investors and banking casework players. Our audience will abundantly account from Coin Metrics’ institutional-grade abstracts insights and emerging accident administration tools, he said. 

The CMBI basis (also accepted as Coin Metrics Bletchley Index) saw above success with institutional audience back its barrage beforehand aftermost year. Leveraging their all-encompassing arrangement abstracts offerings, the basis was acclimated by some arresting names in the cryptocurrency space, including Fidelity Investments, Osprey Funds and BlockFi. 

Following their contempo success, Coin Metrics additionally apparent two new institutional articles focused on arrangement accident administration and accepted block explorer. 

“The amazing absorption we are seeing in these offerings reinforces the amount of on-chain abstracts to institutions agreeable in crypto assets. I couldn’t be added appreciative of what the aggregation has congenital over the accomplished 12 months. Our abstracts is acutely on a aisle to acceptable an basic allotment of the basement for the approaching of finance,” said Coin Metrics CEO Tim Rice.