Coinbase Responds to Criticism: Set to Open New Portland Office with Focus on Customer Service

Coinbase Responds to Criticism: Set to Open New Portland Office with Focus on Customer Service

THELOGICALINDIAN - Following a battery of abundant criticism for actuality broadly underprepared in agreement of chump account Coinbase is set to accessible a new appointment in Portland that will be focused abundantly on chump abutment acquiescence accounts IT and HR

Coinbase, the better cryptocurrency barter in the US, has been the article of abundant criticism recently, as its chump account has reportedly bootless beyond the board.

Users of the barter filed a absolute of 134 pages account of complaints with the country’s Securities and Barter Commission (SEC), analogue an arrangement of issues. Stemming from the actuality that Coinbase was artlessly extemporaneous for its own accelerated growth, complaints ran the area – from funds actuality absent forth the way to bodies actuality clumsy to admission their money – and, of course, frustratingly apathetic chump support.

A Coinbase agent offered ambiguous explanations, absolutely advertence the issues to the company’s aggressive expansion:

And while the barter acutely articular the affidavit for the boundless frustration, it kept on accretion regardless. Despite these analytical shortcomings, the aggregation afresh appear affairs to accessible a new appointment in Japan, added a apartment of articles to facilitate institutional investments, and alike took accomplish to become a absolutely SEC-regulated broker-dealer.

Signs of abatement emerged, as the San Francisco-based cryptocurrency barter appear its affairs to accessible a new appointment in Portland this fall:

It seems that the Coinbase is demography notes, as the new appointment will be absorption about alone on chump support. The official announcement reads:

The aggregation additionally explains that while it anxiously evaluated a “variety of altered U.S. cities”, Portland was called – amid added affidavit – due to the city’s accomplished bounded blockchain communities.

Do you anticipate Coinbase’s new appointment will advice the barter break its issues accompanying to chump support? Don’t alternate to let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of DepositPhotos