How Coinbase securely stores $697 million worth of bitcoin in the cloud

How Coinbase securely stores $697 million worth of bitcoin in the cloud

THELOGICALINDIAN - Coinbase may be one of the best accepted and able-bodied accepted startups in the bitcoin amplitude forth with a scattering of others that accept accustomed millions of dollars in adventure basic in adjustment to added advance and be a allotment of bitcoin and blockchain technology

It’s an agitative time for bitcoin, area abounding companies are aggressive with anniversary added to be baron of the block [chain].

Coinbase has an important fiduciary responsibility; actuality custodians of customer funds, whether it’s bitcoin or authorization currency. And in a contempo Medium article from Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong, he explains aloof how Coinbase is architecture defended basement to abundance bitcoin in the cloud.

In the article, Armstrong says that Coinbase “securely food about 10% of all bitcoin in circulation.” At the time of this writing, there is about 15,500,000 bill in circulation. This amounts to $697 actor in bitcoin that Coinbase says they store.

How Coinbase does it

The commodity is a bit lengthy, as Armstrong highlights that Coinbase has layered aegis with no distinct point of failure. This agency two agency affidavit for everything, and no one being has abounding access, but rather its breach amid assorted bodies in altered locations with back-up in mind. Using two agency tokens, such as a YubiKey is a crucial component to agreeable responsibility. Another point of aegis is that not anybody should accept SSH admission and if they do, use two agency affidavit and use appropriate laptops for SSH access.

It’s additionally explained how that Coinbase food 98% of the $697 actor offline in “cold storage,” application assorted methods to accomplish clandestine keys and abundance the coins. Audits are cool important, aloof in case there is anytime an incident. Think about the contempo Shapeshift hack, area analysis trails became one of the key pieces of advice in tracking bottomward their hacker.

There is acutely a lot added to it than this, so it’s awful appropriate to apprehend the commodity if you’re a bitcoin aggregation (or not) that has fiduciary responsibility. There is additionally a YouTube video which highlights some of what Armstrong discusses in their access to security.