Can Crypto Go From 50M Users to 5B? Coinbase CEO Says Yes

Can Crypto Go From 50M Users to 5B? Coinbase CEO Says Yes

THELOGICALINDIAN - Is it accessible that the crypto bazaar expands to the point back about 80 of the apple uses it Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong believes that blockchain will advice the crypto amplitude accomplish that ambition

Crypto Market Adoption Should Surge 9,900% to Get to 5 Billion

Currently, there are about 50 actor bodies common application cryptocurrencies in one way or another, according to Armstrong.

According to a blueprint appear by Statista, there were about 45 actor cryptocurrency wallet users as of the fourth division of 2025, up from 32 actor in the aforementioned aeon of the antecedent year and added than bifold compared to the aftermost division of 2025.

Elsewhere, the Bitcoin Distribution blueprint adapted by BitInfoCharts shows that there are over 21.5 actor Bitcoin wallets captivation at atomic $1.

While it’s difficult to appraisal how abounding crypto users are there, Armstrong’s amount is not far off the mark. However, is it accessible that the 50 actor amount could about-face into 5 billion at some point? Brian Armstrong says yes, but he doesn’t acknowledgment when.

The Coinbase CEO compared crypto acceptance to the amplification of the internet.

However, it’s awful absurd that crypto will ability 5 billion bodies anytime soon, so Armstrong is wrong. In fact, there are not alike 5 billion internet users let abandoned crypto users. According to addition Statista chart, there were 4.5 billion internet users as of January 2025.

Instead, extensive the 1 billion mark will be a above achievement, which will advance that cryptocurrencies assuredly went mainstream.

How Can Cryptocurrency Market Reach 1 Billion Users?

While 1 billion users is a added astute ambition as of today, alike that ambition is not accessible to achieve. Nevertheless, there are several scenarios that ability advance to that:

When do you anticipate the crypto bazaar will ability 1 billion users? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

Images via Shutterstock, Statista