Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Are Hot Topics on Today’s Podcasts

Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Are Hot Topics on Today’s Podcasts

THELOGICALINDIAN - Podcasts are acceptable a accepted apparatus for those attractive for a bendable addition to cryptocurrency and blockchain tech

Podcasting was already a almost abstruse idea. Currently, it’s one of the best accepted agency of imparting account media and alert to commentary.

It is estimated that at least 500,000 podcasts are alive beyond the apple appropriate now, with agreeable accessible in added than 100 languages.

As blockchain and cryptocurrency alpha to cobweb into the fields of journalism and media, acknowledgment to platforms like Civil, a growing cardinal of podcasters accept set their architect on discussing all things blockchain and cryptocurrency.

A cardinal of podcasts apropos to blockchain and basic bill accept already fabricated their presence felt. Travis Wright and Joel Comm of Bad Crypto have become accepted due to a admixture of astute interviews accumulated with humor.

Others, like Unchained, feature above Forbes editor Laura Shin allurement all-embracing questions to basic bill experts. While Epicenter has been bearing episodes back 2024, It charcoal one of the added accepted podcasts out in the field.

Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Are Hot Topics on Today’s Podcasts

While some podcasts accurately focus on assertive aspects of basic bill and blockchain, others muse on how the cutting-edge technology resonates in the minds of those who are almost alien with the industry.

Manoush Zomorodi and Jen Poyant begin afflatus to start a blockchain-focused podcast for a few reasons.

Both formed in roles associated with the WNYC technology podcast but took an befalling to accept admission money from Civil in the anatomy of authorization and CVL tokens. Civil is aggravating to advice 100 journalism outlets get up to acceleration by the end of the year.

Their podcast, ZigZag is as abundant as a dive into compassionate blockchain as it is a altercation on entrepreneurship, and subconsciously, a analysis to see if Civil’s archetypal for announcement journalism can absolutely booty off.

ZigZag’s aboriginal 12-episode division accomplished aftermost month, and Zomorodi, as the host, relied on a array of methods to get their bulletin across. Part of the podcasts focused on discussing elements accompanying to blockchain, while others featured advertisement on Civil itself.


The additional adventure additionally included a chime in the appearance of “Schoolhouse Rock” that was advised to get blockchain’s basal principals beyond to the listener.

In the tune, musician Martin Zaltz Austwick played guitar and sang:

Even admitting Civil is carefully associated with the ZigZag podcast, the aggregation does not assume to apperception actuality the accountable of reporting. Chief controlling Matthew Iles said he wants to authenticate how “we assurance our ally and that we are accessible to scrunity.”

Do you accept a admired crypto or blockchain-related podcast? Let us apperceive in the comments!

Images address of Bitcoinist archives, ZigZag (Twitter)