Cryptocurrency Projects Aiming to be 'ASIC Resistant' Have Little Success

Cryptocurrency Projects Aiming to be 'ASIC Resistant' Have Little Success

THELOGICALINDIAN - Just afresh the Bitcoin Gold BTG developers appear the projects accord algorithm Equihash was threatened in a blog column alleged A Response to the ASIC Threat In the column the BTG projects aggregation associates explain that they ability change the cryptocurrencys accepted Equihash algorithm due to the contempo barrage of the Antminer Z9 mining rig The close Bitmain Technologies has already afresh produced a accessory that break the cast of agenda bill networks that affirmation to be ASIC resistant

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The Bitcoin Gold Project Aimed to be a ‘Better Bitcoin’ by Trying to Remain ‘ASIC Resistant,’ but the Idea Failed Miserably With the Launch of the Z9 Mini

Cryptocurrency Projects Aiming to be 'ASIC Resistant' Have Little SuccessLast year a activity alleged Bitcoin Gold (BTG) angled the Bitcoin Core (BTC) agreement in hopes of creating a added fair and decentralized mining ambiance that would abide ‘ASIC resistant.’ The BTG activity basically cloned the BTC codebase (Segwit included), and afflicted the accord algorithm from SHA-256 to the Equihash algorithm, a accepted apparatus acclimated by the agenda asset zcash and others. This anniversary the Bitcoin Gold development aggregation wrote a blog post that abundant a new Equihash mining rig that’s been appear to the accessible “threatens” their dream of a “one CPU one vote” network. The mining rig architect Bitmain has acquired a activity throughout assorted cryptocurrency communities, by launching assorted miners this year that action algorithms best anticipation were ‘ASIC resistant.’ The latest Antminer Z9 mini was appear on May 3 and costs $1,999 USD per assemblage and the apparatus processes an Equihash hashrate of about 10k Sol/s ± 5%.

“We are admiring to advertise the Antminer Z9 mini, an ASIC miner to abundance Equihash-based cryptocurrencies — To anticipate accession and to let added individuals common get one, we’ve set a absolute of one miner per user,” explains Bitmain the day they launched the Z9 mini.

After Feeling ‘Threatened’ by the Z9 the BTG Development Team Plans to Modify or Change the Current BTG Equihash Algorithm

The advertisement has annoyed development teams who believed their blockchain accord models would be chargeless from these high-efficiency semiconductors. But now that Bitmain has appear the Equihash mining Antminer Z9, the BTG activity may attack to adapt or change its accord algorithm.

“This week, we abstruse that the ascendant specialty crypto mining accouterments maker (Bitmain) has appear an “ASIC” miner for Equihash, which agency it would be able to abundance BTG if we were to acquiesce that to happen,” explains the BTG organization.

Is ‘ASIC Resistance’ a Pipe Dream?

Bitcoin Gold isn’t the alone activity that attempted to actualize an ‘ASIC resistant’ cryptocurrency that bootless to accommodated that goal. The Litecoin (LTC) arrangement utilizes a altered hashing algorithm alleged scrypt, and back the activity aboriginal launched anybody anticipation it would never see ASIC miners processing the LTC’s blocks. However, the already claimed ‘ASIC resistant’ Litecoin scrypt algorithm angry out to be minable by application-specific semiconductors and at the time back this was apparent in 2013 it was quite controversial.

Last ages Bitmain appear its Antminer E3 that processes the Ethhash (an ethereum, ETH) hashing algorithm. The barrage of this accessory sparked a altercation amid Ethereum users who capital to become ASIC aggressive quickly. One Ethereum backer writes “a consistently appointed PoW change, like Monero” is needed. The Monero (XMR) development aggregation ran into the same situation as a Bitmain produced mining rig was launched afore the E3, that mined cryptocurrencies that activated the cryptonight algorithm.

As far as altered types of Proof-of-Work algorithms there hasn’t absolutely been a cryptocurrency yet that has maintained abounding ASIC resistance. Most bodies accept the ambition to aftermath an ASIC aggressive PoW is a allegorical aqueduct dream as there are warehouses abounding of ASIC machines that abundance these agenda currencies that already claimed to be allowed from ASICs.

What do you anticipate about the ambition to actualize an ASIC aggressive PoW cryptocurrency? Is this ambition accessible after activity abounding PoS? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this activity in the comments below.

Images via Pixabay, Shutterstock, Bitcoin Gold blog, and Bitmain Technologies. 

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