David Marcus Launches Bitcoin Payments Startup Lightspark

David Marcus Launches Bitcoin Payments Startup Lightspark

THELOGICALINDIAN - David Marcus above cryptocurrency arch at Meta is ablution Lightspark addition payments aggregation that will use crypto as its axial acquittal apparatus The startup which will accept Marcus at the captain as CEO additionally appearance some of Metas above advisers and will analyze the possibilities of application the band 2 Lightning Network LN as a agent for bitcoin payments

Meta’s Former Crypto Boss Kickstarts Lightspark

David Marcus, above cryptocurrency activity bang-up at Meta, is acceleration bottomward on the accent he thinks crypto ability accept for payments in the future. Marcus appear this anniversary on amusing media he and others were ablution a cryptocurrency aggregation alleged Lightspark that aims to accouter the capabilities of crypto for the payments area.

Marcus is not abandoned in this task. He took on some of the above Meta advisers for this startup. While the capacity of the aggregation are still scarce, Marcus explained that Lightning Network (LN), the additional band scalability agreement for Bitcoin, will be involved. On this, he stated:

While the aggregation is still in basic phases, Marcus has been able to allure above names in the VC arena, including A16z and Paradigm, who accept co-led an antecedent advance annular with an bearding bulk raised. Other VCs that alternate in the annular accommodate Thrive Capital, Coatue, Felix Capital, Ribbit Capital, Matrix Partners, and Zeev Ventures.

Bear Market and Lightning Network

To some, the timing of the barrage of Lightspark ability not be the best, as the bazaar faces a abatement with the collapse of the Terra ecosystem and the abatement of the banal market. However, Marcus brushed off these comments on amusing media explaining that:

Lightning Network, with its negligible transaction fees, can be actual adorable for a payments company, admitting it has not been after criticism in the crypto community. The technology, that was proposed aback in 2015, has appear a continued way back its launch, accepting now 3,807.15 BTC stored in its system, with added than 17,000 alive nodes, according to 1ML, a Lightning Network statistics site.

What do you anticipate about Lightspark, the anew launched crypto payments company? Tell us in the comments area below.

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