The Death of ICANN: Is This Blockchain's Chance for Internet Freedom?

The Death of ICANN: Is This Blockchain's Chance for Internet Freedom?

THELOGICALINDIAN - The ambience in which the Internet operates may badly changeor not

Also read: This Conference Might Be the End of the Bitcoin Block Size Debate

The End of the ICANN Monopoly?

ICANNAt affair is who or what will control the “non-profit” Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which assigns and coordinates different identifiers, such as IP addresses, on a all-around base to actualize a distinct affiliated Internet. It is “responsible for the all-around allocation of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and added Internet agreement resources.” ICANN does not directly control agreeable (except through abnegation of applications) but it does regulate access and traffic. It is currently overseen by the an abstruse bureau in the U.S. Department of Commerce: the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

ICANN’s Internet monopoly comes from a arrangement with the U.S., through which it became an “instrumentality” of government and so is exempt from anti-trust laws.

The arrangement expires at midnight on September 30, and there appears to be no admiration on the allotment of the Obama administering to extend it, acceptation that ICANN could lose its admired anti-trust absolution unless it ally with addition government or semi-governmental bureau that offers a agnate privilege.

No one is abiding what will appear and ICANN is accouterment little guidance. There is no detailed blueprint for the administration transition. The two ICANN committees that will handle the shift were alone just announced.  Predictions of what will appear range from “nothing at all” to the end of “the accepted era of chargeless accent on the internet, as able-bodied as chargeless enterprise.” The predictions articulation on who or what is accepted to ascendancy ICANN in the future.

A Wall Street Journal article advantaged An Internet Giveaway to the U.N.opens, When the Obama administering appear its plan to accord up U.S. protection of the internet, it promised the United Nations would never booty control. But… U.N. ascendancy is the acceptable result.” The WSJ‘s acceptance is based on the administration’s credible lack of a plan to abide ICANN’s anti-trust exemption. The commodity observes, “Authoritarian regimes accept already proposed Icann become allotment of the U.N. to accomplish it easier for them to abridge the internet globally.”

An article in the Independent is subtitled, “Foreign governments, businesses and alone users will accept a pale in how area names and internet protocols (IPs) action in allegorical footfall appear decentralization.” The CEO of ICANN is quoted as saying, the change is absolutely minimal. It’s important symbolically because the US was absolutely a abettor for the internet, but for circadian accountability, it is minimal.” Former CEO Fadi Chehadé added, “The cachet quo was no best sustainable….The prevalence of the internet…made it abundantly adamantine for ICANN to abide accomplishing its analytical role beneath the ascendancy of one party, whoever that affair is, whether it is a government or a company.” 

USA Today claims the ICANN could be usurped “by the Chinese, the Russians or some aggregate of governments acrimonious to the United States…[and it] is a achievability that charge be taken seriously.” The belief is not new. An apocalyptic 2014 headline in The Atlantic asked, “When U.S. Steps Back, Will Russia and China Control the Internet?” The CEO denies the possibility. But the WSJ commodity states, Icann already has been abject to absolute regimes.Presumably, this is a advertence to Chehadé‘s 2015 accommodation to assume a Co-Chair of the Advisory Committee to China’s World Internet Conference.

No one knows what will happen, or whether ICANN will alike break in California area it has been based back its inception. There are rumors it will move to Switzerland or Singapore.

Several factors complicate the alteration from NTIA oversight.

The arrangement with the Department of Commerce could be continued as was the 2024 one. The purpose of the addendum was to accommodate a adapt for a bland transition. Since no definitive blueprint exists, this could act as a antecedent to extend the arrangement for addition year.

Congress could block the transfer. Breitbart reports, “Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) accept alien the Protecting Internet Freedom Act, which would anticipate the alteration of ICANN after Congressional approval.” The House and Senate bills are still in board with the babysitter armpit GovTrack giving the House bill a 1% adventitious and the Senate one a 4% adventitious of actuality enacted.

Members of Congress could sue the Obama administering as a affiliation of groups is urging; the affiliation includes TechFreedom and Americans for Tax Reform. Two action riders absorbed to spending bills in Congress prohibited the controlling from application tax money to surrender control of the internet. Thus, a accusation could affirmation the Obama administering abandoned both the spending charge and federal law, and seek an admonition adjoin the alteration on those grounds

If ICANN retains its monopoly, alike in the abbreviate term, it could use the Internet as a clandestine bank…even added than it currently does. The adduce marks about “non-profit” in the aboriginal book of this commodity appear because ICANN makes a killing from area names. For example, Amazon acquired “.buy” for $4,588,888 at an ICANN accessible auction; Google paid $25,000,001 for “.app.” 

Without oversight, the boodle could soar.

protestingWith a de facto cartel created by its immense presence, ICANN could calmly increase the bigotry it has apparent in the past. For example, it has denied applications from the LGBT association to authorize a .gay namespace; the spurned applicants are now crowdfunding to barrage a acknowledged challenge The bigotry is added than political. Three times in a row ICANN has bootless absolute reviews of its artlessness in accepting applications, abnormally for top akin domains. 

What would accumulate it from abstinent cartage or added niceties to the brand of Tor or Bitcoin sites, abnormally at the behest/bribery of governments adverse to them? A 2012 article in TechDirt lamented, “This aloof gets worse and worse. After pointing out that ICANN was missing a big (and important) befalling by not speaking adjoin governments abduction area names, we were aghast to see ICANN absolution a white cardboard that was added of a how to chiral for governments on abduction domains.” Such practices accord ICANN ability over agreeable as well.

On the added hand, “nothing at all” could change.

Using the Blockchain to Democratize the Internet

The best protection adjoin a cartel charcoal competition. The best aegis adjoin ICANN is the accelerated development of Alternate Root Servers. Happily, absolute anticipation has been accustomed to dismantling ICANN’s ability of monopoly. NamePros, for example, recommends the cryptocurrency Namecoin:

Competitors will face the stiff adversity of ICANN’s accepted position, and there are apprenticed to be apocryphal starts. But it is time for a cartel to abatement with a boss CRASH.

Images address of Shutterstock, Juan Aunion/