AirPod’s Pre-Sale is Now on Track, Dates Announced

AirPod’s Pre-Sale is Now on Track, Dates Announced

THELOGICALINDIAN - The badge auction that will transform the traveling and comatose industry is ablution soon

The advanced ICO activity by AirPod is demography off afterwards the belvedere appear May 29, 2018, as the day back APOD tokens are activity to become accessible for purchase. The badge auction is set to alpha afterwards the AirPod presentation at CryptoKonf in Belgrade on the aforementioned day and it will drive the project, enabling a blockchain based authorization administration archetypal for sleeping pods. The AirPod activity is advised to be a self-expanding business with absolute levels of transparency, provided with the advice of an centralized fast-growing crypto-economy.

The AirPod badge auction provides an befalling for any cryptocurrency broker to actualize a assisting and abiding approach to acquire acquiescent income.

AirPod: The Solution

The biking industry is one of the fastest growing sectors with an anniversary all-around commuter aggregate of over 667 million. Among them, at atomic 10% of the cartage frequently go through transits and transfers, creating a charge for adequate clandestine spaces in accessible spots like airports, hotels, malls etc. The AirPod activity caters to this charge by alms biking and comatose band-aid in the anatomy of privacy-centric comatose pods with amenities. As a allotment of its amplification strategy, the activity has a Partnership Affairs for association associates who can own or access into a acquirement allotment affairs by staking their APOD tokens.

AirPods will be placed at hotels, railway and bus stations, arcade centers, offices, and burghal centers. In the beginning, AirPods will be placed at the above airports worldwide. It will become an affordable “couple o’hours” home or appointment back cat-and-mouse for the abutting flight, train, bus or a appointed meeting.

AirPod Sleeping Pod will accord the user a unique, luxury, state-of-art abode to relax after stress. The private, “capsule style” units will additionally action aegis and assurance to the user. It can board both brief and concise stays, with chip anti-stress technology to advice the user relax and revitalize.

The assemblage offers abundance and ball to the traveler, featuring chargeless admission to accelerated Wi-Fi, Amazon Fire TV, air conditioning amid others.

Sponsorship Program

AirPod will not be aloof a abode to relax. It will be additionally one of the best assisting and abiding businesses with acquiescent crypto-income potential. In the Sponsorship Program, a actor will become the sponsor of a accurate assemblage and acquire up to 80% of the profits generated by the AirPod assemblage every month. AirPod will accredit ICO contributors to barter APOD tokens for the appropriate to accretion “in profits”.

As a contributor, participants can accept any AirPod assemblage in the apple and barter APOD tokens for profits for an broad bulk of time.

So, if you bought APOD tokens during the crowdsale, you will be offered a accord to barter a specific cardinal of tokens, at the prevailing bazaar price, for up to 80% profits from the AirPod token. Your acknowledgment on the advance will pay off on a year. After that period, you will again adore the profits from your called AirPod assemblage for an broad bulk of time.

Global benefactor already confirmed.

With a all-around benefactor already confirmed, 1000 AirPods will be placed in up to 284 all-around airports over the aboriginal three phases. Meaning, 1000 or added acquiescent crypto-income breeding possibilities.

Grega Mrgole, CEO states,

“AirPod’s eyes is to advance your biking acquaintance and on the added duke to accord you the achievability to acquire abiding acquiescent assets for your safer banking future.”

Token Details.

The amount business of the AirPod activity will be to install the pods beyond all-embracing airports and renting them out. At the aforementioned time, the aggregation will be implementing their own account token, APOD which will be acclimated to body and addition their crypto economy.

APOD tokens are afflicted by the AirPod business, not by the crypto market. As the cardinal of broadcast AirPods and users grow, the abundance of tokens that AirPod will be affairs from the exchanges will abound too. It will aftereffect in the amount of APOD badge growing over time.

Learn added about AirPod and the badge auction at –