Deep Web Roundup: BCH Adoption Increases and Dread Rises

Deep Web Roundup: BCH Adoption Increases and Dread Rises

THELOGICALINDIAN - The bogeyman of the abysmal web looms ample over aggregate bitcoin does You wont apprehend it mentioned by VCs allotment blockchain startups or by options exchanges applying for bitcoin ETFs but the darknet is the acumen were all actuality A alternate glance into the latest from the abysmal web provides an acumen into the base area bitcoin aboriginal bloomed and area a cogent admeasurement of cryptocurrency purchases still occur

Also read: Giant Bitcoin Merchant Bank Posts Losses Over $130 Million

From Reddit to Dreaddit

Ever back Reddit’s r/darkmarkets was shut down, has been the capital antecedent of account for purveyors of the darknet. The armpit has been behaving accidental of late, with European visitors accepting an absurdity bulletin back attempting to appointment the site. Whether this is the aftereffect of a acting annihilate or some array of GDPR-instigated perma-ban, which has acquired added US-based sites to exclude Europeans, is unknown. For all the acceptable assignment Deepdotweb does in accoutrement darknet activity, it is ailing to await on a single, centralized antecedent of news. All it would booty is for authorities to covertly access the website and they could alpha authoritative the account aeon and funnelling users to honeypot darknet marketplaces.

Thankfully, there’s now an another antecedent of account pertaining to the abysmal web’s above marketplaces. Dread, which resides at dreadditevildot.onion, is Reddit’s r/darknetmarkets reborn, and this time attainable alone via Tor. As associates of the appointment would agree, discussing their business over the abysmal web, area IPs cannot calmly be traced, is in the best interests of everyone. Dread appearance several boards, with d/darknetmarkets its best popular, with over 13,000 subscribers.

Deep Web Roundup: BCH Adoption Increases and Dread Rises

75% of Dream Vendors Take Bitcoin Cash

Acceptance of bitcoin banknote has developed decidedly amid vendors on Dream, the abysmal web’s better and longest-running marketplace. BCH was added about six months ago back BTC fees were high, sparking beef from buyers and sellers who acquire been priced out of authoritative sub-$100 purchases on the darknet. While BTC fees acquire back abated, bitcoin banknote acceptance has connected to rise. Dream Market now annal 102,000 listings from vendors who acquire BCH, against 126,000 for BTC.

Deep Web Roundup: Dream Adds Monero and Bitcoin Tumbler “Chip Mixer” LaunchesThe DDoS attacks that bedridden abounding abysmal web markets for abundant of aftermost year accept yet to resurface. Dream boasts the additional best uptime, at 98.19%, with alone Olympus Market, at 99.81%, beyond it. Worst in the list, as maintained by Deepdotweb, are Rapture with 92.22% and Point with 91.87%. While crypto users squabble, alarm and shitpost on the clearnet, on the darknet, it’s business as usual, the aforementioned as it’s consistently been back the ancient canicule of Silk Road: a advancing ecosystem of underground markets area (almost) annihilation can be bought and awash anonymously.

Do you appointment the abysmal web, and if so, which sources do you await on for advice about darknet marketplace? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, and Dread.

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