Dutch Brothers Arrested for Stealing Electricity to Mine Bitcoin

Dutch Brothers Arrested for Stealing Electricity to Mine Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - ROTTERDAM Netherlands Two brothers from Rotterdam accept been arrested for burglary electricity to abundance bitcoins According to the Openbaar Ministerie bounded badge confiscated the mining accessories and 200 thousand euros

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Two Brothers Allegedly Stole Electricity to Mine Bitcoin and Grow Marijuana

Stedin electricity logoLocal reports said the two bearding brothers endemic the equipment, but stole power from the Stedin account grid.

News outlets appear police had advised the Kobe Avenue acreage in Rotterdam for some time afore authoritative the arrests.

The brothers accept run their mining operation back 2024, board told the District Court of Rotterdam. Over the advance of that time, the declared thieves raked in over €200,000 ($224,000) worth of Bitcoin. Prosecutors said the accused thieves may additionally accept added bitcoins stored in a hidden wallet.

Alongside this, the brothers maintained a cannabis operation which was additionally siphoning ability from Stedin. Police bedeviled the crops, growing accessories and mining rigs during the arrest. The case said the men purchased mining accessories with profits from their cannabis business. Allegedly, the cannabis nursery operated for two years and fabricated almost €75,000 ($84,000) per harvest.

Reports said the brothers were additionally accused of money laundering. The youngest brother was allegedly the baton of the operation. Because of this, he faces more bastille time than his earlier affinity — who alone faces six months. The case board said this is the “first of its kind” in the region, and prosecutors are ambitious the courts administer best punishment.

Not The First Time In The Netherlands

While prosecutors said the abomination is a first, in 2014 bounded Dutch account outlets reported a 43-year-old Tilburg man was additionally accused of burglary electricity. Reports said the man blanket ability from a bartering acreage to ability 21 mining rigs.

Police did not affirm how continued the operation had been activity on, and bounded account outlets never appear the aftereffect of the arrest.

The Netherlands is affable appear Bitcoin use, but badge accept the brothers blanket the electricity due to a lack of mining profitability. The adolescent brother faces a book of over a year and a bisected in bastille with a accomplished of €250,000 ($280,000). The Netherlands commune cloister will finalize its accommodation in two weeks.

The case additionally follows allegations in June that Chinese miners were burglary electricity. According to the Chinese account outlet Weibo, badge amid in Ma’anshan confiscated a cogent number of mining rigs amid in three facilities. In the past, there accept been other rumors of Chinese operations application chargeless electricity to armamentarium their businesses.   

It’s appropriate that prosecutors are calling the brothers abomination the “first” back a similar crime took abode in 2014. However, Dutch account letters accept the actionable cannabis acreage was the primary focus of the investigation.

What do you anticipate about the accusations appear the two brothers mining Bitcoin and growing marijuana? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Shutterstock, and Pixabay.