Elon Musk Hints at Crypto Plans in First Twitter Meeting

Elon Musk Hints at Crypto Plans in First Twitter Meeting

THELOGICALINDIAN - The approaching buyer of Twitter discussed cryptocurrency payments and crypto scams with employees

Elon Musk captivated his first abounding meeting with Twitter advisers on Thursday. There, he discussed his affairs for cryptocurrency and added changes afterward his planned takeover of the amusing network.

Musk Could Add Crypto Payments

During the meeting, Musk accepted that cryptocurrency payments are one affection that could be added to Twitter.

Musk said that it “would accomplish faculty to accommodate payments into Twitter so that it’s accessible to accelerate money aback and forth” and that such affairs could absorb “currency as able-bodied as crypto.”

Though Twitter added Bitcoin tipping beneath above CEO Jack Dorsey in 2021, Musk’s eyes seems to be added comprehensive. Musk said he would “maximize the account of the service” by authoritative “Twitter so acute that you can’t alive after it.” He alleged payments one of three analytical areas alongside account and entertainment.

Musk additionally acclaimed that “money is fundamentally agenda at this point, and has been for a while” and drew comparisons to PayPal.

Previously, Musk hinted at cryptocurrency payments on Twitter but did not call a absolute plan. His ancient statements simply read: “Maybe alike an advantage to pay in Doge[coin]?”

Musk Also Plans to Eliminate Scams

Outside of cryptocurrency payments, Musk additionally acclaimed that he aims to annihilate cryptocurrency scams on the amusing network.

“There [are] absolutely a lot of crypto scams on Twitter,” Musk said. “It’s gotten better, but there’s still a fair bit of that.”

Musk again broadcast on affairs that accept been declared earlier. He aims to accomplish Twitter’s anti-bot algorithms accessible to accessible review. Furthermore, he affairs to add an alternative paid-tier account that individuals can use to prove their authenticity.

Musk’s aerial cachet has fabricated him a common ambition of clothing by Twitter scammers. In accession to accepting his angel acclimated in approved phishing attempts, Musk was additionally one of the high-profile Twitter accounts afraid in a massive crypto-related scam in 2020.

That advance resulted in aloof $118,000 baseborn but saw over 130 accounts attacked—with acrid implications for Twitter’s integrity.

Changpeng Zhao Expresses Support

Changpeng Zhao, CEO of the arch crypto barter Binance, has additionally common abutment for Musk’s Twitter takeover.

Today, he provided an amend on those affairs in an account with Bloomberg. There, Zhao said that his aggregation is afterward Musk’s advance in affective advanced with the bid. “If Elon goes through with the accord we’re committed…if he doesn’t, we’re off.”

He added that if Musk’s Twitter buyout does not succeed, Binance would be “a little bit [disappointed].” He concluded: “We’re acquisitive to be able to accord to Twitter somehow.”

In May, it was reported that Binance planned to accommodate Musk with $500 actor in adjustment to abutment the Twitter buyout.

State of Deal Is Still Uncertain

Despite the actuality that Musk and Twitter accept acutely accepted the buyout several times, the accord has not yet been finalized.

The buyout was disconnected in May back Musk demanded data in adjustment to actuate how abundant Twitter action is legitimate. At that time, he appropriate that he would accomplish to the accord alone if beneath than 5% of Twitter’s accounts were begin to be fake.

On June 8, Washington Post appear that Twitter would accede with Musk’s demands and accommodate him with a “firehose” of data. That suggests the accord will anon move forward.

It is cryptic whether there will be added accouterments to the deal. The amount of the auction is said to be $44 billion.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic BTC, ETH, and added cryptocurrencies.