Elon Musk Whips Up Frenzy with Innuendo-Filled Bitcoin Tweet

Elon Musk Whips Up Frenzy with Innuendo-Filled Bitcoin Tweet

THELOGICALINDIAN - Elon Musk is at it afresh Dropping an innuendofilled cheep that instantly affronted up Crypto Twitter Just six abbreviate words were abundant to flurry up a tweetstorm as the architect of SpaceX and Tesla wrote Bitcoin is not my safe chat What was he aggravating to say

Elon Musk Says Bitcoin Is *Not* His Safe Word

If you’re apprehensive what a “safe word” is, you’re apparently not old abundant to be investing in cryptocurrencies to alpha with.

So, was Musk’s cheep artlessly actuality antic or was it advisedly provocative? Did he appetite to acknowledge his affection for a little S&M–or was his cheep a annotation on the aegis of Bitcoin?

Given Musk’s clamorous appetence for actuality at the acid edge, propelling satellites and rockets into space, absent of active on Mars and creating affected cars, it seems absurd that he would be anti-cryptocurrency.

In fact, the South African billionaire has aboveboard announced out in his abutment of Bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies, best conspicuously Dogecoin, before.

In April aftermost year, he gave DOGE a notable amount pump of 30% by declaring that it ability be his admired cryptocurrency. “It’s appealing cool,” he said.

Whether it was a backward April fool’s antic or not is beside the point. When Elon Musk speaks about cryptocurrencies, bodies listen–and the bazaar reacts. Although, today’s Twitter bomb doesn’t assume to accept afflicted BTC price.

Musk Called Bitcoin ‘Brilliant’ Last Year

In a podcast interview with ARK Invest on Feb 19 aftermost year, Musk said that Bitcoin’s anatomy was “quite brilliant”. He added that:

He additionally appears to be axis his words into action, supporting the pro-Bitcoin presidential candidate for the U.S. 2020 acclamation Andrew Yang.

So What Did He Mean By His Tweet?

The accidental cheep composed on Friday morning had already garnered 35.4K brand and added than 3.4K retweets at the time of writing.

It also, of course, afflicted up a flurry of replies. Those not in abutment of the number-one cryptocurrency took it as an opportunity to attack Bitcoin, assertive that Musk was aboveboard criticizing it. One addict said:

Others in the pro-Bitcoin affected allegedly additionally saw Musk’s cheep as a animadversion on the assurance of the Bitcoin network. Prominent cryptocurrency analyst The Moon absolutely countered him by affirmation that Bitcoin was the “ultimate safe haven.” 

Most added followers responded to Elon Musk with the banter in which the cheep was best apparently intended, with comments like:

And “we all apperceive your safe word.”

Whatever he did beggarly by his tweet, there’s no abstinent Elon Musk commands absorption with millions of followers blind on his every word.

And it raises a brace of questions… What is his absolute attitude on Bitcoin and, ahem, what’s his safe chat afterwards all?

What do you accomplish of Elon Musk’s latest comments? Add your thoughts below!

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter @elonmusk @tom_heats