Engineer Reveals ‘Satoshi-Style’ Whitepaper for P2P Internet

Engineer Reveals ‘Satoshi-Style’ Whitepaper for P2P Internet

THELOGICALINDIAN - Taking afflatus from Satoshis whitepaper architect Daneel Uys tells Bitcoincom how BitData can accredit peertopeer barter of adaptable abstracts in the aforementioned appearance amount is transmitted over the Bitcoin arrangement today

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BitData: A Peer-to-Peer Mobile Data System

Daneel Uys is a South African researcher and a chief electrical engineer. He is the columnist of the whitepaper titled “BitData: A Peer-to-Peer Mobile Abstracts System”, in which he proposes a arrangement for exchanging $.25 of abstracts in P2P appearance agnate to how $.25 of amount are transferred on the Bitcoin network. batten with Uys on how the BitData abstraction could accommodate internet access, artful Satoshi’s autograph style, and why telecoms could be the better beneficiaries of this technology. (BC): What aggressive the BitData concept? What above botheration does it solve? 

Daneel Uys (DU): The #datamustfall (twitter hashtag) is a movement that started in South Africa because telecom companies allegation such aerial fees for data. This got me thinking, how can I innovate or advice affected this issue? This is an affair abutting to my heart. South Africa (and Africa) accept abounding poor people, that aloof cannot allow these ridiculously aerial abstracts costs, this could accord to the actuality that alone 3 in 10 bodies in Africa are affiliated to the internet. South Africa’s abridgement is additionally disturbing to abound as it should, and to the abeyant it has.

The World Bank estimates that for every 10% assimilation of internet access, a country’s GDP grows by 1.28%. South Africa and Africa needs this desperately. With all of this in mind, I was consistently cerebration about a solution: at the aforementioned time I was captivated by Bitcoin and Blockchain technology – basically I woke up one morning with a bright clear eyes of BitData in my mind, I aloof bare to address it down. As I wrote it bottomward I accomplished that this is not aloof a baby band-aid to South Africa’s problems but has the abeyant to accommodate the absolute world’s way of internet distribution.   

BC: Why did you accept the autograph appearance of Bitcoin architect Satoshi Nakamoto

DU: I am a big fan of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology and the possibilities that it holds for the banking industry as able-bodied as its adeptness to abundance value, allowance bodies to barrier adjoin aggrandizement and banking instability. While autograph the BitData abstraction I accomplished the astronomic abeyant its accomplishing holds. I anticipation BitData adapted added than aloof a simple blog column so I absitively to address it appropriately and what bigger arrangement to use than Satoshi’s whitepaper on Bitcoin.

BC: Can BitData assignment on the Bitcoin blockchain or do you anticipate it application its own token, blockchain?

DU: I am abiding it could assignment on the Bitcoin blockchain; about I brainstorm it accepting its own blockchain with its own token, which I accredit to as BitData credits in my paper. I anticipate BitData as a agreement that runs in the accomplishments of billions of Wi-Fi enabled devices, overextension the internet all over the apple after the charge for ample adaptable telecom infrastructure.

Imagine a approaching where, for instance, the Internet of Things runs the BitData protocol: “Your acquaintance picks up his buzz to browse the internet; somebody is administration his internet affiliation via Wi-Fi but is out of your neighbor’s range. Luckily a aisle exists amid him and the guy administration his internet. This aisle may abide of your car, fridge, TV, set top box(es), PC, or alike aloof your buzz or any Wi-Fi enabled device, anchored or adaptable any- and everywhere, etc.

The abstracts (in the background) seamlessly bounces from one accessory to the abutting abutting the “receiver” and the “originator” with anniversary other. Your acquaintance gives up some of his BitData credits and everybody in the alternation who “worked” to bear the abstracts to him gets a allotment of the credits (or tokens as you put it). This incentivizes accord in the arrangement – you now accept credits to browse the internet because your phone/car/fridge etc. transmitted abstracts after you alike alive they did.

shutterstock_420160066BC: Since the Originator bulge in BitData still sources its internet from an IP provider, won’t they see this blazon of “data sharing” as “data stealing” abundant like we’ve apparent with agenda media?

DU: This may be their aboriginal acknowledgment (or one at least), but the internet is a “road.” What I drive on the alley with and area I am activity is my prerogative! With BitData I pay the ISP upfront and appropriately get the acknowledged appropriate to use it the way I want, so continued as I don’t abjure absolute laws and regulations, etc. The ISP does not own any data; they alone accommodate the agency to an end. The ISP gets its cut and if they are clever, they may account abundantly from BitData (but this is addition conversation!).

If they accept added problems, they accept to accuse about abounding Apps application the internet as courage in a agnate way. Anyways, BitData will be a confusing technology that, back fully/correctly implemented, will best acceptable change the internet landscape, affective the ability of accouterment internet from telecom aggregation monopolies to individuals.

BC: Why can’t a being aloof use a Telecom allowance agenda for wireless account instead? What is the allurement to use BitData for the boilerplate person?

DU: Telecom allowance cards costs money and takes time to buy. If you are on the BitData system, things appear seamlessly no charge to buy cards etc. Allowance cards are not alike a bead in the brazier in agreement of the cardinal of bodies accepting them! Price, accurate advancement and best importantly: bodies can “reward” themselves by accommodating and application BitData. Also, bodies appetite to belong, alike if it is acceptance to a user community. BitData creates a community: “I am application BitData, are you?”

BC: Who stands to account the best from BitData? Who are the ambition users? 

DU: People not currently affiliated to the internet or who acquisition accepted abstracts prices too expensive. Target: Everybody application the internet.

BC: BitData requires a aerial citizenry body to run smoothly. What is the user beginning appropriate to cycle out a anatomic BitData network? 

DU: Theoretically BitData needs alone 2 overlapping devices. Afterwards there is no threshold; it depends alone on adjacency of any cardinal of nodes (overlaps), which is not accountable in any way. I doubtable in the alpha phases, BitData will alpha of abandoned (unless as I say in the paper, Android accouterments it), in abate meshes i.e. everybody in a building, school, abode or any bounded accumulation who agrees to use it because of its value.

Each one of these meshes will apparently accept alone a few internet abstracts access point (fixed band or mobile). I anticipate that over time these abate meshes will become interlinked, growing and growing until its advantage is abundant abundant that adaptable abstracts telecom companies are no best needed. Their absolute basement becomes alone added added nodes.

BC: This technology would apparently accept the greatest account for bodies active in alien and rural areas (since bodies in cities already accept admission to abounding hotspots). How do you think this botheration can be apparent for BitData? 

DU: I anticipate it will be of account to all internet users. You should not accept to airing appear a Wi-Fi hotspot to affix to it, it should be everywhere. You should not accept to absorb time abutting to the Wi-Fi hotspot nor pay for it. The BitData agreement keeps aggregate connected, because aggregate is active BitData there is no charge to admit passwords or pay to affix to a hotspot. Hotspots are geographically fixed, which is a above check compared to BitData. Then, BitData users can accolade themselves: Psychologically this is a above allure that charge not be underestimated!

MobileBC: How is aegis addressed? How is users’ abstracts anchored on this P2P network? 

DU: Something that anybody should be acquainted of is that annihilation is “unhackable.” Obviously encryption and aegis procedures will be implemented as far accessible but I am acquisitive that alike hackers would see the all-around acceptable BitData could do for them and anybody abroad and abutment it rather than accomplishment it.

BC: In added words, BitData tokens will be “backed” by Internet admission or bytes to be exact. Do telecoms charge to acquire BitData tokens anon for the badge to be viable/tradable or can this be a micro-economy of sorts amid aloof the Internet users?

DU: There are a few means of implementing this, the capacity may alter depending on how the arrangement progresses. It could be a bankrupt arrangement area the tokens are artlessly exchanged amid the 3 types of node. Or an accessible arrangement with exchanges involved. Both are applicable options to implement.

BC: How and by whom are these tokens generated and what is the accord apparatus (PoW, PoS)?

DU: The capacity of this are not yet known, but afresh abounding accomplishing methods are possible. i.e. the transmitting/originating assignment done could be apparent as the PoW/PoS.

BC: Why should IP providers accept BitData? What do they angle to gain? 

DU: Market share. Presence. Contribution to amusing upliftment. Potentially a new antecedent of revenue/advertisement? Why should banks embrace Blockchain and Bitcoin/Altcoin technologies? If they don’t they will become obsolete. This is the attributes of decentralization; ability will in approaching not abide with monopolies like banks and telecom companies. Bitcoin is alteration banking, BitData will change internet distribution.

A PDF archetype of the BitData whitepaper is available here. Uys is additionally attractive for bodies to advice him with the affidavit of abstraction and to set up a demonstration. Anyone absorbed can acquaintance him via his LinkedIn profile.

Do you anticipate BitData can do for internet admission like Bitcoin did for money? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Shutterstock, LinkedIn

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