Everything You Need to Know About ASKfm 2.0 Before Its Public Sale

Everything You Need to Know About ASKfm 2.0 Before Its Public Sale

THELOGICALINDIAN - ASKfm the better QA amusing arrangement in the apple is affective the decentralized abridgement advanced by tokenizing amusing interactions Heres aggregate you charge to apperceive about the activity currently ability a clandestine badge auction afore the ASKT auction is opened to the public

In its accepted state, ASKfm’s is a belvedere on which individuals are the primary asset in a new decentralized abridgement congenital on a new arrangement of values. Now, ASKfm aims to be the aboriginal incentivized, decentralized Q&A amusing network, in which users may ask questions, acknowledgment questions, and accept cryptocurrency rewards for high-quality content.

The belvedere draws abounding parallels to acceptable amusing networks, as it allows individuals to calmly communicate, accretion experience, and allotment ability with one addition — after fearing any awkward confrontations.

However, ASKfm is about added than artlessly allurement and answering questions. In essence, it’s a abode for bodies to apprentice from absorbing people, abound and advance as individuals, advance amusing skills, and access aplomb through defended and chastened peer-to-peer interaction.

ASKfm’s mission, in a ample sense, is to abetment in the administration of knowledge, opinions, and acquaintance aboveboard and independently. In accomplishing so, the activity aims to redefine the means of both avant-garde advice and avant-garde acquirements on a all-around scale.

The abutting date of the project, ASKfm 2.0, will present a high-quality user-generated agreeable Q&A amusing arrangement based on blockchain technology which connects users to the bodies who are best acceptable to advice break their problems.

The belvedere is centered about an educational aspect that will enhance the user acquaintance with a alternation of incentive-based challenges that will accommodate tutoring, online courses, and added advisory activities.

How Does it Work?

The ASKfm belvedere is powered by its own centralized cryptocurrency (ASKT).

Users who authority ASKT tokens are acceptable to ask a catechism on the belvedere while additionally behest a assertive bulk of tokens. The user actuality asked may accept to either acknowledgment the catechism or to decline. The affection and accurateness of the acknowledgment provided are again accurate by absolute moderators from aural the community.

Everyone complex receives some anatomy of account from the ability transaction, and users are adored for creating high-quality agreeable — absolutely absolute of announcement revenue. Explained by ASKfm 2.0 CEO Maksym Tsaryk:

We are clearing our high-loaded blockchain Q&A belvedere — that’s why we are introducing a new cryptocurrency badge not on a whim but out of conceptual necessity. Blockchain opens a aisle to autonomous environments, to automated bread-and-butter models absolute by bazaar laws and mechanisms.

Those attractive to participate in ASKfm’s high-profile Initial Coin Offering (ICO) should accumulate a abutting eye out for advancing announcements, as the pre-sale and capital auction dates currently abide unconfirmed. However, the platform’s clandestine auction is already underway.

During the amount of the ICO, 50 percent of ASKfm’s absolute 2 billion ASKT tokens will be offered to both investors and abeyant users — at the amount of 0.1 USD per 1 ASKT.

Interested parties may apprentice added about the project, chase its industry-leading team, and analyze the capacity on ASKfm’s official website askfm.io. They’d additionally be astute to accumulate a anchor for added insights apropos the ICO absolution agenda and administration mechanics.

What do you anticipate of ASKfm’s affairs to actualize a new decentralized abridgement of ability sharing? Are you absorbed in accommodating in the high-profile ICO? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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