Federal Reserve Bank CEO: 'Bitcoin Facilitates Terrorist Activity'

Federal Reserve Bank CEO: 'Bitcoin Facilitates Terrorist Activity'

THELOGICALINDIAN - San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank CEO John C Williamshas declared at a contempo FinTech appointment thatBitcoin willfacilitate abomination and money bed-making despitethere beingvery little affirmation to aback up these claims

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SF Federal Reserve Bank CEO on Bitcoin

Bitcoin.com_Bitcoin Fintech John C. Williams

The ability and abeyant pitfalls of FinTech were discussed at the contempo Lendit USA 2016 Conference. This presentation was accustomed by John C. Williams, President, and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. As best bodies are able-bodied aware, FinTech startups are actively collaborating with the cyberbanking industry, as both parties angle to accretion from such partnerships.

John C. Williams started his allocution with a actual absolute note:

After affecting aloft assorted aspects of FinTech and how this industry can accommodate the payments industry on a ample scale, the altercation angry to Bitcoin and agenda currencies. Williams mentioned how these currencies are “easy to use and anonymous,” which is not accurate for every agenda bill in actuality today. Bitcoin, for example, is not as anonymous as some bodies think, and its ease-of-use can be a point of debate as well.

Bitcoin.com_Bitcoin Fintech John C. Williams Federal Reserve BankMoreover, the Federal Reserve Bank CEO feels these agenda currencies accomplish bent and terrorist activities alike easier. It is not the aboriginal time allegations were directed at Bitcoin for agitation funding, although there’s no actual proof cryptocurrency is adopted over cash for this purpose. Granted, one arrears IS adherent was arrested last year for announcement Bitcoin donations to armamentarium IS in their “war.”

It seems this attitude adjoin Bitcoin and agenda currencies stems alternating from a lack of understanding of how the agreement works in the aboriginal place. While Bitcoin can be acclimated pseudonymously on a all-around calibration online abundant like email, every transaction is visible to everyone on its public ledger authoritative it added cellophane than application cash, for example. Moreover, the Panama Papers recently revealed the calibration of the money laundering taking abode through accustomed banking institutions, tax havens, using money issued by governments and axial banks like the Federal Reserve.

Innovation Matters Despite Risks

Despite all of these abrogating comments on Bitcoin and agenda currencies, Williams assured his allocution by saying:

While it is absolute to see this Federal Reserve Bank official accede the abeyant of Fintech on a all-around scale, it will all appear bottomward to the regulatory framework as far as addition is concerned. Over-regulating FinTech and agenda bill will bassinet advance and addition while abrogation things abandoned is not the appropriate way to go either. FinTech and agenda bill industry leaders charge to put their bottom bottomward and appeal to be heard by regulators and government admiral to actualize a band-aid that works for everyone.

What are your thoughts on the Federal Reserve Bank President’s attitude on Bitcoin and agenda currency? Will addition be stifled, or will the course turn? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Frsbf

Images address of Federal Reserve Bank, John C. Williams, Shutterstock, businessinsider.com