The Ross Ulbricht Legal Defense 'Free Ross' Was Hacked

The Ross Ulbricht Legal Defense 'Free Ross' Was Hacked

THELOGICALINDIAN - Just a quick agenda to say that we were afraid and the hackers still accept ascendancy of our email annual freerossulbrichtgmailcom the ancestors of bedevilled Silk Road ambassador Ross Ulbricht appear this morning We accept been told they are soliciting funds with it assuming as us Any email from that abode until added apprehension is NOT accepted They additionally accept ascendancy of our cheep annual through the email

Also Read: Zcoin Commits to Monthly Donations to Ross Ulbricht Defense

What’s Known About the Hack So Far?

News of the ‘Free Ross‘ drudge alike online four canicule ago on accepted Bitcoin forums on Reddit and CEO Roger Ver asked individuals to not accomplish donations due to the organization’s compromised email, addresses, buzz numbers, cheep account, Paypal annual and bitcoin accounts.

Mr. Ver says the hacker contacted him. “The hacker messaged me on Twitter DM this morning assuming to be Lyn,” Mr. Ver recounted. “I knew appropriate abroad that it wasn’t her due to the abhorrent English. Whoever the hackers are, they aren’t built-in English speakers.” Mr. Ver says the hackers were allurement for a loan.

“There aren’t abounding capacity at this time but updates will be provided already the dust clears,” Mr. Ver wrote. “A new abode will acceptable be accustomed as able-bodied – amuse do not accord to anyone accepting money on account of Ross at this time.”

Mr. Ver after took to Twitter to accurate his thoughts. “Hackers that casualty aloft those who are already ambidextrous with so abundant affliction deserve all of our contempt,” Mr. Ver tweeted. As of aftermost night, donations were still actuality beatific to the compromised Free Ross bitcoin address.

Corrupt Investigation & Trial?

When Ross Ulbricht was bedevilled of active the Silk Road darknet marketplace, abounding supporters affiliated calm to abutment the again 30-year-old man.

The focal point of this accumulation is the Ross Ulbricht Legal Defense armamentarium (‘Free Ross’), which is comprised of family, accompany and supporters who appetite Mr. Ulbricht to be released. Supporters about accept the analysis of the balloon of Mr. Ulbricht was mired by corruption. Carl Mark Force, a DEA abettor complex with the analysis of Mr. Ulbricht, tried to advance in the author’s bitcoin startup, apparently with funds illicitly acquired during the Silk Road investigation. ‘Free Ross’ believes the prosecutorial delinquency in the Silk Road balloon set alarming precedents.

Mr. Ulbricht is confined a activity book after the achievability of parole. In October 2024, Mr. Ulbricht was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He was answerable with money laundering, computer hacking, and cabal to cartage narcotics.

Mr. Ulbricht stated on his LinkedIn folio that he advised to “use bread-and-butter approach as a agency to abate the use of browbeating and assailment amidst mankind,” claiming “I am creating an bread-and-butter simulation to accord bodies a contiguous acquaintance of what it would be like to alive in a apple after the systemic use of force.” 

What do you anticipate about Ross Ulbricht acknowledged aegis hack? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, Free Ross