Fueling the Cannabis Industry: US Crypto Lending Service Files for Regulated Token Sale

Fueling the Cannabis Industry: US Crypto Lending Service Files for Regulated Token Sale

THELOGICALINDIAN - Chicagobased lending close Ceres afresh filed for a appeal to conduct a Reg A auction in adjustment to get approval from the US Securities and Exchange Commission SEC Ceres wants to barrage a badge that will be acclimated for accumulation disinterestedness while the aggregation additionally wants to barrage a bread that can be acclimated to accommodate to cannabis startups in charge of funding

Cryptocurrencies and cannabis ability go duke in duke in the eyes of many, and the aggregation Ceres seems to be a close accepter of this theory. On June 30, 2020, filed paperwork from the company, Ceres Coin LLC to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), shows the close wants to conduct a Reg. A offering. Basically, a Regulation A alms is an absolution from the acceptable allotment requirements. It agency that afterwards the SEC approves the filing, Ceres can anon acquire acquittal for the badge sales.

Fueling the Cannabis Industry: US Crypto Lending Service Files for Regulated Token Sale

Essentially, Ceres’s business plan is to become a decentralized lending account for acknowledged cannabis companies. Ceres will advantage two bill in adjustment to accouter disinterestedness and a bread that allows cannabis businesses to account from the funding. One bread will be a U.S. dollar-backed stablecoin, agnate to the brand of binding (USDT). Ceres has asked the SEC to accession “up to $20,000,000 account of its ‘coins’ and up to $30,000,000 account of its ‘tokens.’”

The filing addendum that badge holders who access the disinterestedness adaptation will be advantaged to 80% of Ceres’s net revenues stemming from loans and 20% from the blockchain infrastructure. The filing additionally stresses that “payments for purchased tokens may be fabricated in U.S. Dollars only.”

“It should additionally be acclaimed that it is advised that the action and auction of the bill will be accounted a “continuous offering” aural the acceptation of 17 CFR 230.251(d)(3) and that the alms of the bill will abide accessible for added than one (1) year,” the filing highlights in adventurous lettering.

The aggregation additionally has a website alleged cerescoin.io and it gives a absolute description of what Ceres aims to accomplish. Ceres will chase the added adapted badge offerings that were afresh accustomed by the SEC. On July 10-11, 2019, two Reg. A badge sales were accustomed by the SEC authoritative history as the first two approvals.

At the time, the SEC accustomed Blockstack PBC and the Props Project. Ceres stresses that the Reg. A filing access is a added acceptable adjustment than leveraging the able antecedent bread alms (ICO) method.

“In 2024, at the aiguille of the ICO craze, the aggregation at Ceres accomplished that SEC adjustment had to access the account for cryptocurrencies to be sustainable,” the aggregation website notes. “Taking the action to do the harder appropriate affair over the easier amiss thing, Ceres autonomous to abstain the ICO aberration and appoint anon with the SEC to accommodate a able cryptocurrency alms for the cannabis market.”

Ceres claims that the blockchain network, if accustomed by the SEC, will advice bolster the cannabis industry, as far as authoritative guidelines and banking accuracy is concerned. Ceres acclaimed that the aggregation affairs to focus on the accompaniment of Washington and Illinois. The Chicago-based lending close has already started alive in Washington Accompaniment back it invoked a beta test in the region.

“[During the fourth division of 2024, Ceres engaged] with the top producer/processors and dispensaries in Washington St., [as] Ceres affairs to barrage a beta analysis proving the capabilities of Ceres as a transactional bread through the cannabis ecosystem,” the close addendum on the aggregation web portal.

What do you anticipate about Ceres applying for a Reg. A auction with the SEC to advertise two types of crypto coins? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, sec.gov/Archives