Hash War: Mystery Miner's Empty Block Attack Makes ABC's New Blockchain Almost Unusable

Hash War: Mystery Miner's Empty Block Attack Makes ABC's New Blockchain Almost Unusable

THELOGICALINDIAN - According to assorted letters the Bitcoin ABC proIFP alternation has been beneath advance for a cardinal of after canicule now The abstruseness miner has been mining a abundant cardinal of consecutive blocks but about all of them accept been abandoned The miner who calls himself Voluntarismdev says the mining operation is a accumulation of oldguard miners and claims they can blend with the boyhood ABC alternation for years

** This commodity has been adapted at 6:15 p.m. (EST) on November 28, in adjustment to reflect recent comments from Blockchair’s founder, Nikita Zhavoronkov, who has declared there accept been at atomic six blockchain reorgs on the ABC’s nameless alternation to-date, back the bulge angled off on November 15, 2020.

‘The Price of Freedom Is Steep’

The cryptocurrency association has been watching the after-effects of the contempo blockchain bifurcation, which saw the Bitcoin ABC bulge angle into its own blockchain. The Bitcoin ABC arrangement is still nameless and after branding, and the badge is generally referred to as either “ABC,” “BCHA,” or “BAB.”

Last week, news.Bitcoin.com reported on a stealth miner who has been mining a ample cardinal of after abandoned blocks. Because blocks accept been abandoned for so long, it’s been adamantine for anyone to accelerate a transaction on the ABC alternation and get the transaction accepted in a appropriate manner.

Since our newsdesk’s report, the abstruseness miner has alien the accumulation on Cheep beneath the annual name Voluntarism.dev, and through coinbase constant letters every time the basin finds an ABC block reward. On November 24, 2020, the Voluntarism.dev Cheep annual created a bulletin with a blockchain signature in adjustment to verify its legitimacy.

The aforementioned day the miner tweeted: “good account don’t crave force” and the afterward day the accumulation tweeted a bulletin to added miners pointing hashrate at the ABC chain. Voluntarism.dev said:

Later on that day, the basin tweeted that “the amount of abandon is steep” and additionally tweeted some screenshots of Bitcoin ABC’s advance developer Amaury Séchet discussing the basement allotment plan (IFP).

“ABC abandoned the (non-aggression principle) NAP with 9 months of civilian war,” the Voluntarism.dev Twitter annual fatigued in addition tweet. “Freeriders charge pay 100% of the block accolade to ABC. We will drop all blocks that do not. We will pay 100% as well, already ABC merges this change,” the basin added.

In addition account Voluntarism.dev said:

Meanwhile, amid Thursday and Saturday, it took added than 24 hours afore any ABC pro-IFP affairs cleared, and the blockchain has suffered a absolute of two blockchain reorganizations (reorg) to-date. This agency afterwards a block has been mined by a miner added than Voluntarism.dev, it’s been changed and the already accepted blocks artlessly disappear. On Saturday morning, there was an attack to reorg the ABC alternation a third time, but it was changed by the basin Mining Dutch. The mining basin Mining Dutch has managed to action bags of affairs for senders on Saturday aboriginal afternoon (EST).

Spawn Camp Attack or Enforced Consensus Mechanism?

On November 28, 2020, the cofounder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin tweeted about the abstruseness mining basin that controls 90% of the ABC chain’s hashpower today. “ [A] mining basin 51% attacks BCHA acutely with the absolute ambition of antibacterial it. Will this be the aboriginal accurate spawn affected advance on a PoW chain?” Buterin asked his Cheep followers.

However, the contempo abandoned block antagonist is not the aboriginal accurate spawn affected advance on a PoW chain. A Bitcoin carbon alleged Coiledcoin appeared in 2012 and it has been said that it was additionally attacked by hashrate. The BTC association accused the Core developer, Luke Dash Jr., of leveraging the mining basin Eligius in adjustment to appraisal the Coiledcoin project. Software developer Peter Todd spoke about the event on Twitter in 2016 back ethereum archetypal (ETC) was threatened by a 51% attack.

On Friday, in a acknowledgment to Buterin’s cheep about the abstruseness miner, BCH proponent, and researcher, Javier González explained that the mining pool’s address was not an attack. “It is not an attack, it is defensive,” González said. “Bitcoin ABC has burst the BCH activity to abduction 8% of the coinbase miners incentive. 90% of the BCH [hashpower] voted adjoin it. And now they are arresting their interests. Enforced accord mechanism,” González insisted.

News.Bitcoin.com batten with González on Saturday, while the third blockchain reorg attack took place. González is additionally the artist of the Bitcoin Mining Parliament (BMP), a abstraction that confronts Bitcoin Cash arrangement issues application Nakamoto Consensus.

During the morning hours (EST), the mining pools Viabtc and Mining Dutch mined blocks 662396 and 662397. Both of these blocks accepted bags of transactions, but again, Voluntarism.dev reorganized the alternation with its massive hashpower and the blocks disappeared. González sources abstracts from the block charlatan Blockchair and additionally runs his own ABC pro-IFP node. Although not too continued after, confrontational hashpower was able to stop Voluntarism.dev’s third reorg attempt.

“The aboriginal abandoned block reorg advance to abort a boyhood breach attack (BAB/BCHA/ABC) is occurring,” González told news.Bitcoin.com on Saturday. “I anticipate they are a accumulation of miners and BCH whales that are acting in allocation to avert the [Bitcoin Cash] blockchain from the breach acquired by Bitcoin ABC (Amaury) to abduction the 8% of the coinbase allurement that belongs to the miners. González added added:

Hash War: Mystery Miner's Empty Block Attack Makes ABC's New Blockchain Almost Unusable

Mystery Miner’s Third Attempt to Reorg ABC Met With Confrontational Hashpower

González additionally said that the ABC alternation alone has two mitigations; either selectively avoid hashpower (total centrality) or change the algorithm in emergency. The researcher added accent that the ABC alternation has no use and that markets may accept to delist the coin. While the abstruseness miner empties blocks it is additionally optimizing the advance by authoritative it cheaper González detailed.

“What we are seeing is what I alarm ‘executive mining.’ That is, it is not ‘automatic mining’ afterward the bazaar incentive, but the miners are afterward their own brains, spending money, cerebration of a bigger approaching allurement (in this case, it seems to be the aegis of BCH),” González emphasized.

While conversing with the researcher addition two blocks were mined by the basin Mining Dutch. González said that the abstruseness miner Voluntarism.dev is now actuality confronted in the assortment war. “A ample bulk of hashrate has antipodal the reorg, attention BAB,” González detailed. Currently, there accept been two acknowledged reorganizations and one bootless attack on Saturday morning.

After the two blocks were begin by Mining Dutch, Voluntarism.dev mined four blocks afterwards that, the basin said the confrontational hashpower was a “bully” in the afterward coinbase message. Afterward the four blocks mined by Voluntarism.dev (662412, 662413, 662414, 662415), Mining Dutch got addition two blocks and managed to action transactions.

** At 6:15 p.m. (EST) Blockchair founder, Nikita Zhavoronkov, said his aggregation has bent a absolute of six blockchain reorganizations on the ABC alternation so far.

“So far our agent has bent 6 reorgs on BCHA orphaning 12 blocks in total. Two 1-block reorgs on November 25th, two 2-block reorgs on 26th, a 2-block reorg on 28th, and a 4-block reorg on 28th,” Zhavoronkov tweeted. Actually there’ve been [many] added reorgs, they aloof appear actual fast and our agent misses that. I assumption I’d charge some affectionate of a abstracted log parser for added absolute numbers,” Zhavoronkov added.

As of appropriate now, BCH supporters and ABC proponents will be watching the alternation with their eyes peeled. So far, it seems the alternation is far from anatomic and the network’s actuality activity advanced is uncertain.

What do you anticipate about the assortment war and the abstruseness miner? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Charts by Javier González, Coin Dance Cash ABC hashrate distribution,