Is digital currency “the solution”? The academic perspective.

Is digital currency “the solution”? The academic perspective.


There has been a lot speculation, shouting matches, opinions, arguable accusations etc. that flew about apropos agenda currencies, or like some alarm them crypto currencies. Some journalists from the added acceptable media fabricated unfounded accusations like “Mt. Gox has comatose so Bitcoin will chase suit”. If professionals and academics apprehend things like that what do they think? Are there some that are sceptical or what is the deal? It does assume it’s “all quiet on the academics front” so why not do an account with a arresting affiliate of the bookish enactment and apprehend his angle on the accomplished agenda bill matter.

The assistant is one of our journalists accompany and is absolutely acclaimed in his acreage of expertise, namely economics. However due to assertive demands on the professor’s allotment we will not use his absolute name. Nor will we broadcast the university’s name, although we will acknowledgment that the university is ranked as one of Europe’s top 10 best universities.


Serge: Do you own any agenda currencies like Bitcoin or added altcoins and why?

Prof.Dr. Alexandre: I afresh bought a brace Bitcoins back they were low. I do not apperceive the exact cardinal but it was about 1200 Euros in total. Now this ability assume absolutely an advance but if the Bitcoin amount alike rises with 20% I could advertise it off and accomplish a tidy profit. As you apperceive I am still a day banker in my additional time and some habits are absolutely adamantine to break. This buy/sell/buy is all academic of advance because I see that Bitcoin, and the technology abaft the agenda currencies in general, are account pursuing.

As for added altcoins I will name a few but I will not go into detail on the how’s and why’s and I will aces out alone a brace of altcoins. That is article your readers charge to amount out for themselves. I accept Blackcoin, Litecoin and dogecoin. I apperceive some bodies like to accept all the advice accustomed in to their easily (preferably with a arbitrary on top of the advice heap).

It is best to do advice acquisition yourself. I advance the bookish approach. If you appetite to get aloof advice or a beheld on some trend, you will charge to do a lot of analysis and accomplish a account of the absolute and abrogating aspects. Be abiding to do able research. What I beggarly by that is that you charge to focus on added than aloof 1 or 2 sets of ambit or sources. Apprehend up, accomplish the accent your own and apprehend as abundant as you can on said accountable or analysis parameters. After accomplishing all that analysis it is up to you what to do. Oh and for Pete’s account don’t abolish anything. Try to accumulate an accessible apperception about information, be it antecedent actual like a white cardboard or a account article.


Serge: is there article you do not like about agenda bill ( or some services)?

Prof.Dr. Alexandre: Yes there is. The abundant altcoins is a bit annoying. Every day there will be some new bread or bill advancing out with promises to “dazzle the crypto world” and “dethrone Bitcoin”. If you absolutely attending carefully at those altcoins they are about identical copies of added coins, sometimes with one or two things different. It is like one of my American accompany adulation to say: “It’s the aforementioned game; they alone change the tune so it would attending nice and new”.

When ambidextrous with these “practices” in the altcoins, I consistently ask the question: “ what makes your bread so special”. Most of the time the developers or spokespersons are adage things like “ yes we are bigger than that bread because in the abreast approaching we will….”Great that is in the future, not now so basically you are a carbon archetype of your “competitor”.

Other times the developers try to baffle you by application abstruse agreement ( that is why you charge to acquire the language). The best way to do actuality is to appearance them you apperceive your being and try to betrayal them (taking pictures or screenshots from your conversations, etc.). Most of the time, the acknowledgment you acquire is absolutely funny. Some get absolutely angry; others man up and say point bare that it is a betray and that they would pay me X bulk of BTC to accumulate it quiet. I do not acquire this behaviour and nor should anyone in the crypto community.

The agenda bill association charge to edger out these practices and acknowledge to them back they occur. We do not charge to accord added armament to some of the already biased media outlets.

Another affair that bothers me absolutely a lot is that the account sites, or what they anticipate they are, are actively amateurish. There are exceptions but candidly the self-proclaimed big account sites like coindesk and cointelegraph are actively inconsistent. What I beggarly by that is that one day you get absolutely acceptable accessories that assume to be aloof and objective. The abutting day you accept accessories that are 9 curve long, are abounding with mistakes or alike absolutely bogus news.

The autograph mistakes and typos do not bother me that abundant in general. However the 9 curve for 1 book and the bogus account letters and statistical “data analysis” do get to me. Typos bastard in in every work: account reports, my own presentations and lessons, bookish thesis’s and papers, etc.  The bogus bs is article absolutely and is usually alone created to either drive the amount of a share/stock/altcoin or bitcoin up or down. Then we are talking about bazaar abetment and that’s article I do not tolerate.

This is additionally one of the capital affidavit the boilerplate association isn’t demography agenda currencies seriously. Too abundant pump and dump schemes and rotten apples that adumbrate central the crypto association according to them. They are appropriate of course, to a assertive degree.

I do accept commodity to add though. Some sites use a lot of colours, like cointelegraph. Colours are acceptable to accentuate the accent of said commodity but if you do it with every commodity it is amateurish and looks affectionate of childish. The bodies that run cointelegraph ability not like this appearance but me, and added business bodies attending bottomward on this convenance (some alike badinage the site, which I acquisition it a bit harsh). I bootless a student’s apriorism because she formed too abundant with colours. Professional bodies do not amplify the use of colours.


Serge: Now a catechism about Bitcoin and business. Do you anticipate Bitcoin will add adherence and added versatility if it is congenital into a business archetypal of a company?

Prof.Dr. Alexandre: Well Serge I did absolutely accede with your statements back you were a bedfellow apostle at my classes in October. So yes I anticipate accumulation altered agenda currencies like Bitcoin and others will actualize a bigger “safety net” for companies. As you declared the companies do accept a bigger aegis position to bear banking troubles, abnormally in times like these.

However business owners should ask questions and do some analysis and ask bounded crypto enthusiasts afore accumulation any agenda bill into your business archetypal or business strategy. You absolutely charge to analysis with your government because behavior ability vary.

For those who anticipate it will be a lot of assignment and added fees I can acquaint you this: no it is not a lot of work. It is adequately accessible and the costs will not be as abundant as the acceptable acquittal systems.


Serge: Is Bitcoin the band-aid for our accepted problems?

Prof.Dr. Alexandre: Well not exclusively. Like I said the technology and the account abaft it are excellent. In this day an age accuracy is key, attending at blockchain. Everything is “research-able” so to speak. It may booty you a continued time but the information is there. They way I see it is that the banking area needs to get their basics out of their “manpurse” and absolutely appraise the allowances of this “new currency”. I did not say Bitcoin is “the” band-aid to our problems it is “a” solution. Bitcoin is abounding with some problems, like the continued cat-and-mouse time and added things. There alre additionally innovations that some altcoins accept that aren’t in Bitcoin yet. However Bitcoin is the better “digital currency” out there and I anticipate if a aggregation wants to agreement with a agenda bill they should activate with Bitcoin.

