Kim Dotcom Previews MegaUpload 2.0 and BitCache

Kim Dotcom Previews MegaUpload 2.0 and BitCache

THELOGICALINDIAN - Kim Dotcom gave the association the aboriginal glance at the MegaUpload 20 BitCache activity and what it offers users appear a video bygone of Kim Dotcom giving the aboriginal affirmation of the MegaUpload 2.0 and Bitcache beta version.

Following the developments involving Internet administrator Kim Dotcom and the accommodation by a New Zealand adjudicator to advocate an beforehand cloister cardinal that accustomed Dotcom to be extradited to the U.S., the development of MegaUpload 2.0 and BitCache has been aerial beneath the radar, with some alike because the achievability of the activity actual amateurish due to Kim Dotcom’s acknowledged bearings and to the antecedent aborted launch.

However, the new YouTube video gives the association a bastard blink at some of the appearance of the activity that, according to Kim Dotcom, will “take Bitcoin to the accumulation market”.

The video is a abrupt walkthrough of what the belvedere will attending like and some of the appearance it will offer. Kim focuses on BitCache, which can be acclimated in aggregate with MegaUpload 2.0 to monetize uploaded content.

Users will be able to actualize a BitCache alembic in which they will be able to add agreeable from MegaUpload 2.0 or any added book hosting or alive website. The alembic can again be customized with a title, description, and alike a cover.

Each uploader sets the amount they appetite users to pay for downloading or examination their content. The user needs to pay in Bitcoin in adjustment to alleviate the file, and the funds are transferred to the uploader’s BitCache wallet.

According to Kim Dotcom, BitCache will be developed to acquiesce added sites to advantage the technology in adjustment to monetize their absolute website accepting rid of the anachronous cable models.

Kim Dotcom has aerial expectations for the approaching of the activity and its appulse on the agenda agreeable administration landscape. Today he tweeted:

However, added projects are already exploring this acreage and developing agnate alternatives that are absolutely based on blockchain technology.

Projects like Decent and LBRY accommodate users with a blockchain-based belvedere that allows them to upload their agreeable to a decentralized arrangement (leveraging the BitTorrent protocol) and to pay for it with the platform’s basal bill (DCT and LBC, respectively).These platforms run on a absolutely arguable archetypal in which the acquittal to agreeable creators are automatically activated by the blockchain.

These platforms run on a absolutely arguable archetypal in which the acquittal to agreeable creators are automatically activated by the blockchain. Furthermore, they additionally accommodate a assertive amount of aloofness and acquiesce the files to be encrypted and breach on the arrangement so that the nodes cannot admission them.

It is cryptic what advantages BitCache will accompany in allegory to these platforms, added than actuality acessible through a web browser and acceptance payments to be fabricated in Bitcoin.

Will MegaUpload 2.0 absolutely “take Bitcoin to the accumulation market”? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments section.

Images address of Twitter, YouTube