A Comparative Price Analysis of Exchange Tokens

A Comparative Price Analysis of Exchange Tokens

THELOGICALINDIAN - Are barter tokens priced fairly

Native barter tokens accept become a adequately boundless way for exchanges to armamentarium their development. By creating built-in tokens and affairs them to traders, exchanges accept been able to accession basic to arise or enhance operations.

In return, investors in barter tokens accept rewards. Those rewards booty abounding altered forms. One is the account of bargain trading fees, allotment payouts and a allotment of barter profits or revenues, in accession to admission to airdrops and voting rights on new listings. There are abounding variants, summarised in the graph created by SICOS Publication below:

Many, but not all, issuers of barter tokens additionally accomplish buybacks or/and bake events, whereby they bake a assertive allocation of the tokens over time, removing them assuredly from circulation. The abeyant account for the crypto banker is that as the accumulation of tokens decreases, their amount increases, ceteris paribus.

Again, the models alter broadly in agreement of the amount of badge burns and their frequency. One commonality amid badge burns, however, is that they are adjourned by fees becoming by the barter over a accurate aeon of time.

With all these variances in models, we took a abysmal dive into the accessible ethics of bristles of the added arresting barter tokens.

Exchange Token Value Determined by Multiple Factors

Native badge amount is a aggregate of their account and their bake rates. Account creates demand, admitting afire reduces supply. It accessible to analyze the bazaar caps of the tokens, their bake rates, and barter volumes to appraisal the account of badge prices. To accomplish some comparisons, we affected the amount to bake ratios and badge amount to barter volumes of BNB, HT, OKB, UNUS SED LEO, and KCS.

The token amount to barter volume metric is an adapted approximation of acceptable P/E ratios acclimated in added accustomed markets. We acclimated circadian aggregate as a proxy for balance and circulating bazaar cap of the badge in abode of price. By applying those measurements, we were able to annual for the peculiarities of the cryptocurrency bazaar and additionally the abridgement of reliable balance figures.

Binance BNB

Binance originally created 200 actor built-in tokens, BNB. The barter has apprenticed to bake bisected of the absolute accumulation and afresh conducted its 9th anniversary badge burn. Using anniversary bake ethics provided by Maple Leaf Capital, we begin BNB to accept a amount to bake arrangement of about 44, based on circulating supply. That amount extends to 53 back its anniversary bake amount is compared to the absolute abstract amount (total accumulation X accepted price). 

Using circulating accumulation figures, at accepted bake rates, (which are dictated by Binance’s profits), it would booty 44 years to abort all BNBs. As they plan to alone bake bisected of the absolute supply, that amount avalanche to about 26.

In agreement of badge amount to barter volume, we acclimated adapted 24-hour trading aggregate as at columnist time to account the metric. The after-effects showed that BNB’s bazaar cap (which is affected application circulating supply) is 3.9 times the exchange’s 24-hour volume.

With Binance’s built-in coin’s trading fee allowances falling over time, it appears somewhat cher by these metrics. However, the barter has added account to the BNB badge back ablution Binance Launchpad, so investors may be appraisement in added utility. CEO CZ absolutely places an emphasis on the account of BNB above trading fee discounts.


OKB metrics charge to be advised with a atom of alkali because, of the 300 actor absolute supply, alone twenty actor are in apportionment according to Coinmarketcap. Other sources accept absolute accumulation at one billion, with 300 actor circulating and 700 actor bound up until 2022. Such is the agrarian and admirable attributes of the crypto ecosystem.

Running the aforementioned assay over their token, with a accepted bazaar cap about $63 actor and an anniversary bake amount of $57 million, it would booty little added than a year to bake their circulating accumulation of 20 million. It seems an absurd figure, so we will accept a accumulation of 300 million, giving OKB a bake to amount arrangement of about 15.

In agreement of the token’s amount to circadian OKEx barter volume, it is a little over 0.1. That is, their trading volumes ability OKB’s bazaar cap in beneath than three hours. If OKEx weren’t so blurred an exchange, their built-in tokens attending abnormally able-bodied priced. This is abnormally accurate back one considers that their account extends to aught trading fees back trading adjoin OKB and 50 percent of fees becoming are paid out account to OKB holders.    

Yet, OKEx’s OKB abstracts are outliers – suggesting that a actual alert access is acceptable in free a fair amount for them. The assay credibility to a archetypal that is unsustainable, advertence capricious data.

Huobi HT

Huobi’s most contempo annual HT badge burn represented a 70 percent year-on-year increase. With about $40 actor account of HT tokens accursed to the blaze pit for Q3 2019, the barter approved it was accomplishing abundant accumulation growth. The aggregation spends 20 percent of its Huobi Global and Huobi DM revenues on affairs aback HTs to burn.

At prices about $3.90, its badge amount to aggregate arrangement was lower than Binance’s, at almost 3.25. This suggests Huobi’s tokens offer hardly bigger amount for money than Binance’s, abundantly absorption growing revenues.

In agreement of amount to bake ratio, Huobi’s tokens arise able-bodied valued, at ten by circulating accumulation and 20 by absolute supply. On the surface, Huobi’s tokens are possibly hardly underpriced. Traders get bargain fees of up to 50 percent back they accomplish account HT purchases, a action that could ensure connected burden on appeal for HT. Basing its acknowledgment amount on acquirement agency the aggregation has an advancing accumulation abridgement policy.

KuCoin KCS

KCS tokens (shares) accept a $130 actor bazaar cap. The barter has 24-hour volumes of beneath than $28 million. This gives it a badge amount to aggregate arrangement of about 4.7, acceptation it takes the barter about a alive anniversary to ability volumes that agree to its circulating KCS value.

Less than bisected of its tokens are in circulation. In agreement of amount to bake ratio, its abstracts advance awfully aggrandized badge prices: at 77 percent by circulating accumulation and a whopping 157 by absolute supply. That agency it would booty 157 years to bake all its tokens. 

However, it does action 30 percent discounts on trades for KCS holders and is alone afire tokens at a amount of ten percent of net accumulation – a far beneath acceptable amount than added exchanges. Its aim is to bake bisected of its KCS supply, acceptation a 77-year action at accepted acquirement levels.

For some, the archetypal may assume a added alive access to actual profitable. But abounding traders would acceptable be admiring by accepting balance aggregate added generously. Its tokenomic archetypal may announce why volumes are alone a tenth of those on Huobi.


The arguable exchange appear LEO tokens for a altered acumen than the added exchanges listed above. Having had assets of about $1 billion seized from its Panamanian cyberbanking accomplice Crypto Capital Corp, it launched the tokens to balance those losses.

Despite arguable beginnings, however, LEO tokens have been afire on target, abiding funds to those who trusted the barter abundantly to prop it up through the badge launch. All one billion of the UNUS SED LEO tokens issued will be destroyed on a account basis, application 27 percent of ancestor aggregation iFinex’s gross revenues, according to the company’s Transparency Initiative. It will additionally use gain it recoups from Crypto Capital Corp to bake LEOs.

Given the affairs beneath which they were issued, LEO badge metrics aftermath potentially aberrant results. At a badge amount to aggregate ratio, LEO tokens are big-ticket at about 15. That additionally shows in its amount to bake arrangement of 55.

Further attention is acceptable because of iFinex’s affairs to buy aback and bake all LEO tokens. Interesting bread-and-butter models get produced back accumulation is accepted to eventually abatement to zero. At columnist time, LEOs were trading for $1.02, accepting been issued for $1. They did, however, ability best highs of $2 at the end of June, a benefaction for those who bought them aloft barrage and awash at the appropriate time.

Some Important Caveats

Whether bread burns accept a apparent appulse on badge prices is debatable. The after-effects of these calculations crave activity back administration them, accustomed that crypto amount animation can sometimes disengage any aftereffect a abridgement in badge accumulation should accept on price. Having said that, above exchanges accept undertaken to bake their tokens as planned and accept not deviated from their declared targets, advertence acceptable intentions.

At columnist time, Coinmarketcap was demonstrating abnormal aggregate abstracts for exchanges, potentially advertence a cogent bulk of ablution trading was underway at some contrarily accessory exchanges. Trading on BW was up 70 percent for the 24-hour period, for example, authoritative it the cardinal one barter by adapted volume. Binance was ranked 19th.

As Bitwise reported beforehand this year, 95 percent of trading aggregate on able exchanges was fake, with ablution trading affected to be amenable for ample chunks of activity. The alignment acclimated aloft was based on Coinmarketcap adapted aggregate data.

A DYOR approach, as always, is all-important back it comes to crypto markets. While abounding of the metrics we begin were constant with added acclaimed abstracts reporting, assumptions of abstracts authority are alone as able as abstracts extracted from exchanges, abounding of which accomplish in a authoritative vacuum.

Tokenomics and account both comedy a allotment in how barter tokens are admired and priced. A acceptable tokenomic action can be rendered abortive if the tokens abridgement utility, aloof as tokens with a 18-carat purpose and use case will attempt to allure traders if the tokenomic archetypal is unappealing.

Supply and appeal dynamics in cryptocurrency markets abide actual abundant a assignment in progress. As the industry matures, apprehend calm prices to appear that absolutely reflect a token’s worth. In the meantime, befitting an eye on barter tokens and their achievement in affiliation to the achievement of the barter is a advantageous exercise.