Konami’s Castlevania Anniversary NFT Sale Raises Over $160K

Konami’s Castlevania Anniversary NFT Sale Raises Over $160K

THELOGICALINDIAN - Konami a Japanese bold developer and software administrator aloft added than 160K in its aboriginal attack into the nonfungible badge NFT arena This was the aftereffect of an NFT bargain accompanying to the 35th ceremony of Castlevania one of its best accepted franchises The end aftereffect contrasts with what added companies accept accomplished so far adverse a abrogating backslash apropos these activities

Konami Takes to Opensea With Castlevania NFTs

Konami, one of the best accustomed Japanese gaming development companies, aloft added than $160K in sales during its aboriginal NFT accompanying business. The aggregation organized an NFT auction to bless the 35th ceremony of one of its best admired franchises, Castlevania, which has awash added than 20 actor copies at a common level. 14 NFTs were awash during the auction, with the accomplished bulk actuality paid for an NFT depicting the map of the aboriginal Dracula’s Castle, which awash for added than $26K.

The second-highest bid was fabricated by a three-minute video that showed some highlights of the altered amateur of the series, which awash for about $17K. The page of the accumulating in Opensea now shows that the cheapest allotment is now listed for 30 ETH, a little added than $100K at the time of writing.

A Different Result

The aboriginal attack that Konami is authoritative in the NFT apple had a actual altered aftereffect from what added gaming companies accept accomplished so far, alike with the bad accession that the NFT bargain garnered from gaming-related sites. While blockchain-related companies accept enjoyed a lot of success with the use of metaverse and web3 elements in comedy to acquire initiatives (like Axie Infinity), acceptable companies are still authoritative abstracts in application these elements for their franchises.

Another arch Japanese bold development company, Square Enix, has argued in favor of the addition of badge economies in games. Yosuke Matsuda, CEO of the company, stated that the alteration to “contribute to earn” will affect bodies to affix with amateur and with added players, creating independent economies. Square Enix is contemplating accepting into the decentralized gaming business back aftermost year.

Ubisoft, addition gaming development company, has already launched its built-in NFT marketplace, alleged Quartz, that uses Tezos technology to affair and administer NFT’s to its players. Until now, the accession has been negative, with players and workers of the aggregation criticizing the initiative. GSC Game World, creators of the Stalker franchise, additionally had to bead its NFT affairs due to the backfire it created in amusing media.

What do you anticipate about Konami and its Castlevania NFT auction? Tell us in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons