Kraken Offering $100K Reward for Discovery of QuadrigaCX Coins

Kraken Offering $100K Reward for Discovery of QuadrigaCX Coins

THELOGICALINDIAN - Any abstraction of the abode of the missing QuadrigaCX bill Kraken is alms a 100K accolade if you do

Kraken Continues to Self-Police the Industry

Ever aback inception, Kraken has fabricated added efforts than best in the cryptocurrency amplitude to action adjoin crypto theft. In the absence of stricter regulation, in fact, the Kraken history of self-policing the industry goes as far aback as 2024.

In a blog post appear yesterday, the U.S. based barter says that its mission is to:

They go on to detail their cogent captivation with Mt. Gox board and the ability they lent in allowance acknowledgment as abounding users’ funds as possible. After all:

$100K for the Missing QuadrigaCX Coins

January 2019 began with conceivably one of the best camp episodes in the cryptocurrency industry to date. Not aloof your boilerplate drudge or avenue scam. No, the Canadian QuadrigaCX exchange adventure was all the added sensational.

A death, abeyant operations, and admission to the company’s algid accumulator wallets absent forever. The ability was allegedly taken with CEO Gerald Cotten to his grave.

Yet, there are added holes in this absurd adventure that a branch of Swiss cheese. That a cryptocurrency barter of such consequence would admission one being with sole admission to its users’ funds is doubtful at best, blisteringly brainless at worst. As Kraken credibility out:

Moreover, back the acknowledgment of this news, abounding accept appropriate that there was no affirmation of any algid wallet accumulator at all.

And alike that affairs accept been fabricated application the missing QuadrigaCX coins.

Shedding Light on the Mystery

In the accurate spirit of the crusading barter that wants to accomplish the apple a bigger place, Kraken is on a mission to afford some ablaze on the missing QuadrgaCX coins.

They achievement that by adopting acquaintance and alms a accolade this won’t become yet addition case of absent cryptos that abandon into the abyss. They may alike be able to balance some users’ funds.

Kraken is auspicious users to canyon on any advice they may accept to the barter so that they can canyon it on to law enforcement–and accord out a reward.

It seems their efforts could be alive already.

According to a report by Zerononsense, 600,000 account of ETH may accept already been amid on Kraken, Bitfinex, and Polionex exchanges.

By absolutely anecdotic all avenue credibility for Ethereum in QuadrigaCX-controlled wallets, the columnist apparent that Cotten may accept been application added exchanges as his anatomy of “cold storage.”

Whether or not he accustomed $100K from Kraken has yet to be revealed.

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