Learn how to download and use the Airbitz wallet with this beginner video

Learn how to download and use the Airbitz wallet with this beginner video

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin video maker BTC Sessions is aback with addition abecedarian video on how to download and use the Airbitz bitcoin wallet The video will booty you through the basics and analyze the accelerate and accept functionality of the wallet

For those not in the know, BTC Sessions is a new YouTube video approach committed to beginners and newcomers to bitcoin, which covers altered areas of bitcoin from a layman’s perspective. In the aboriginal BTC Sessions video we covered (because we’re fans!), the video was a tutorial on how to use the Copay wallet.

In the latest video anchored below, BTC Sessions covers Airbitz. The Airbitz wallet is a adaptable bitcoin wallet that is fabricated for Apple iOS accessories and Google Android devices.

Airbitz appearance automated wallet encryption and billow backup, and device-to-device annual accompany beyond phone, tablet, iOS, and Android. Mobile wallet users can store, send, and accept bitcoin transactions. Airbitz uses client-side encryption, so they don’t accept admission to your bitcoin.

Bitcoin wallets are agenda wallets for your agenda cash. They appear in all shapes and sizes. Learn added about bitcoin wallets here.

In the video tutorial, you can see how to accelerate and accept bitcoin, application the QR cipher and additionally bitcoin addresses, as able-bodied as how the wallet bill about-face happens. The video is absolutely allotment one of a two allotment series, so subscribe to their YouTube channel to get adapted back the abutting video on Airbitz is published.

Airbitz is a accepted bitcoin wallet which has been accretion rapidly over the accomplished year. Exactly one year ago, Airbitz accustomed $450,000 in adventure basic from Block26 in a $1,250,000 advancing berry round. They’ve acutely been putting the new begin basic to acceptable use, absolution their better amend yet in April of this year, Matterhorn. Airbitz additionally afresh partnered with prediction bazaar Augur and the bitcoin barter Ice Cubed.