‘Leonardo da Vinci’ Puts Mona Lisa Painting on the Blockchain

‘Leonardo da Vinci’ Puts Mona Lisa Painting on the Blockchain

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin amount developer Peter Todd dedicated Blockchain art startup Verisart adjoin Terence Eden June 13 afterwards claims the aggregation believed he had corrective the Mona Lisa

In a Twitter discussion, Todd declared Eden, who currently runs Open Standards for the UK Government Digital Service (GDS), “misunderstood what Verisart is” afterwards the aggregation uploaded the acclaimed painting to the Blockchain with Eden as the creator.

Verisart began trading in 2025 and describes itself as “applying blockchain technology to amalgamate transparency, anonymity and aegis to assure your annal of conception and ownership.”

“Verisart is a apparatus to aggregate and timestamp evidence, not an accurate blockchain; his Mona Lisa affirmation is accessible artifice [without] evidence,” Todd wrote.

Eden had originally appear capacity of his agreement with Verisart in a blog post June 12.

Allegedly, Verisart had appropriate alone “an email address” and “a photo of the Mona Lisa from Wikipedia” as “proof” he had corrective it.

“I don’t accept the blockchain hype,” Eden after wrote on Twitter.

Blockchain’s adeptness to bind up the art sales action accept formed the focus of a growing cardinal of business initiatives in contempo years, with high-profile schemes targeting the upper echelons of the beneficiary world.

Critiquing Eden meanwhile, Todd nonetheless appropriate the absolute amount of Blockchain at Verisart lay above the allowances Eden claimed did not exist.

“What Verisart’s tech – accurately [open timestamps] – prevented… [Eden] creating backdated evidence. If he approved to coin that evidence, it’d still appearance up as actuality created recently, and appropriately be suspicious,” he continued.

What do you anticipate about Terence Eden vs. Verisart? Let us apperceive in the comments area below!

Images address of Shutterstock, Twitter