Lindsay Lohan Tweets 'Bitcoin to the Moon'- Celebrities Are Flocking to Crypto in Great Number

Lindsay Lohan Tweets 'Bitcoin to the Moon'- Celebrities Are Flocking to Crypto in Great Number

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ever back bitcoin and a cardinal of added agenda assets started seeing amount assets 11 months ago a abundant cardinal of celebrities started jumping on the cryptocurrency appearance More afresh acclaimed bodies like Kiss frontman Gene Simmons the retired American rapper Logic hit almanac ambassador Murda Beatz and Game of Thrones extra Maisie Williams accept all been talking about agenda currencies like bitcoin On Wednesday the able-bodied accepted extra Lindsay Lohan tweeted about the arch bill to her 84 actor followers

For years now, acclaimed bodies accept abutting the crypto abridgement in some way or another. Whether they allocution about crypto assets, advance in agenda bill companies, or advance in bitcoin itself— a abundant cardinal of celebrities accept apparent absorption in crypto.

Luminaries like Paris Hilton, Floyd Mayweather, DJ Khaled, Mike Tyson, Serena Williams, Manny Pacquiao, Lionel Messi, Ashton Kutcher, and added accept been affiliated to the crypto amplitude in some form. During the aftermost 11 months back the crypto-asset BTC and a bulk of another cryptos started ascent in amount celebs accept been advancing out of the woodwork.

Just recently, reported on Kanye West back the hip-hop brilliant was active adjoin Joe Biden and Donald Trump for the U.S. Presidential Election. During his candidacy, West told Joe Rogan in an account that bitcoin supporters “really accept a angle on what the accurate liberation of America and altruism will be.”

After the election, the Grammy-nominated rapper accepted as Logic (Robert Bryson Hall II) alone about $6 actor into bitcoin. During the aftermost 30-days, the rapper Soulja Boy has been analytical cryptocurrency solutions and advised creating his own non-fungible badge (NFT) assets.

Soulja Boy is a bit backward to the NFT affair as a cardinal of able-bodied accepted celebrities accept been jumping into the NFT space. For instance, the Rick and Morty cartoonist, Justin Roiland, sold an NFT art collection for over $1 actor in ether.

Just recently, Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda auctioned some NFT creations. Additionally, companies accept been application accepted celebrities to do adornment endorsements for the arch cryptocurrency. On the 12th ceremony of the Bitcoin white paper, the cybersecurity aggregation Halborn and its cofounder Rob Behnke got a cardinal of big-name stars to bung bitcoin.

Celebrity cameos for the 12th-anniversary anniversary included RZA, Hassan Johnson, Charlamagne Tha God, Doug Benson, Carole Baskin, Charlie Sheen, David Hasselhoff, and Gilbert Gottfried.

“Bitcoin was not invented by Satoshi Nakamoto,” David Hasselhoff said in his bedfellow actualization video. “Bitcoin started with the Hoff.”

In mid-November 2020, The New Mutants and Game of Thrones extra Maisie Williams created a poll on Twitter allurement her followers if she should advance in bitcoin. A cardinal of able-bodied accepted bodies replied including Tesla’s Elon Musk and Microstrategy CEO Michael Saylor.

Hit almanac ambassador “Murda Beatz” told his fans that he purchased bitcoin in October 2020. Today, on February 10, 2021, the American actress, singer, songwriter, and administrator Lindsay Lohan tweeted about bitcoin. “Bitcoin to the moon,” Lohan tweeted with a rocket address emoji.

Recently, has been reporting on the Kiss bassist and rockstar Gene Simmons and his opinions about the cryptocurrency phenomenon. “I don’t accept for a additional that best bodies accept what cryptocurrency is, what it is advised to do, but it is actual and you don’t accept to accord with banks— I like that,” Simmons told’s podcast host Dustin Plantholt.

Simmons has been tweeting abroad with Elon Musk and the hip-hop brilliant Snoop Dogg in attention to the meme-based crypto-asset dogecoin (DOGE). Snoop has been into cryptocurrencies for absolutely some time, alongside rappers such as Gramatik, 50 Cent, TI, Akon, Nas, and Talib Kweli.

More afresh hip hop moguls like Jermane Prime, Young Thug, and Swae Lee accept apparent absorption in cryptocurrencies as well. Popular Youtube stars accept additionally been into cryptocurrencies these canicule including Ali Spagnola, Logan Paul, Andrei Jikh, and alike Pewdiepie.

At the end of November, John Lennon’s Son explained that bitcoin empowers bodies and it was one affair that fabricated him optimistic against the future. It’s acceptable that as cryptocurrencies like bitcoin abound added popular, celebrities and luminaries will jump on the appearance because they like to amuse the masses.

However, some bodies anticipate that celebrities like Lindsay Lohan tweeting about bitcoin may be a assurance that the arch crypto asset is closing in at the top. The accepted extra tweeted on Wednesday that she created a new non-fungible badge asset application the app.

“I accept in a apple which is financially decentralized and the ability of dreams to be the amount lightning arrangement of humans,” Lohan’s NFT description notes.

What do you anticipate about all the acclaimed bodies and celebrities in contempo canicule acknowledging bitcoin and the cryptocurrency economy? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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