Module Sells $2 Million Worth of MODL Tokens During Their Private Presale

Module Sells $2 Million Worth of MODL Tokens During Their Private Presale

THELOGICALINDIAN - Module Japans confusing acknowledgment to the presentday disability problems of blockchain ProofofWork PoW mining has aloof appear their aboriginal sales numbers for their MODL badge clandestine presale and it seems their avant-garde activity is already assuming signs of actuality a accepted hit The aggregation has appear that so far theyve calm 2 actor in the clandestine auction and are able-bodied on their way to accomplishing their bendable cap of 5 million

The blockchain apple is abuzz afresh on how to accord with activity burning issues accompanying to PoW mining protocols, and Module has appear up with an arresting band-aid that allows aloof about anyone to use a able asset they backpack about with them everywhere, but about never use: their adaptable devices’ storage.

Module’s technology will acquiesce anyone to booty the bare accumulator amplitude on their adaptable accessories and put it to use for mining the new MODL cryptocurrency. Module says they are finer replacing the old Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm with their Proof of Space, Time, and Transaction (PoSTT) algorithm, which will be absolutely decentralized and accessible to anyone who wants to participate in crypto mining, behindhand of their means.

The ethics of crypto accept consistently been about creating a absolutely democratic, decentralized arrangement that anybody can account from equally. Yet, concrete constraints, such as activity burning and accouterments acquirement and maintenance, get in the way of a absolutely candid and decentralized system. Module has apparent this botheration by developing their mining agreement so that any adaptable accessory buyer can use the accumulator that’s already aloof sitting there to abundance MODL and acquire rewards. With mining advance out over millions of devices, activity appulse is mitigated, while added bodies benefit.

The aggregation is additionally developing advanced P2P cloud-based abstracts accumulator featuring client-side encryption. The Module arrangement will be congenital like Ethereum, Stellar and EOS, so it will additionally accredit users to advance Dapps (decentralized applications), as able-bodied as actualize new tokens. They are developing a abstruse administration arrangement for decentralized, breach abstracts encryption as well.

Check out their website for added advice at

What are your thoughts the Module project? Is it the band-aid to inefficient PoW mining? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images and media address of Module