Monero-Mining Calendar App Removed By Apple

Monero-Mining Calendar App Removed By Apple

THELOGICALINDIAN - After Calendar 2 a accepted scheduling app in the Mac App Store was adapted with the adeptness to abundance the Monero cryptocurrency on users accessories for the developers account it bound abolished but why

Recently, an amend to the Calendar 2 app afforded developer Qbix the adeptness to abundance Monero — a popular, privacy-centric cryptocurrency — with users’ accretion power. The mining action alone kicked in, however, if users chose to abandon the $18 full-app acquirement or $1 account cable fee, both of which accepted admission to the app’s abounding functionality.

Now, that app is boilerplate to be found, and the acumen for its abatement is still unconfirmed.

Monero mining

Qbix architect Gregory Magarshak claims the app was pulled from the abundance in adjustment to abolish the bug-infested mining functionality.

Flaws in the software acquired the mining affairs to run indefinitely, as able-bodied as use decidedly added than the planned 10-20 percent of a Mac’s accretion power.

Wrote Magarshak in an email to Ars Technica:

Though Qbix claims to accept removed the app in adjustment to abolish the mining functionality, some speculate that the Mac App Store delisted the buggy app — accustomed the accepted aversion of apps and websites which advance users’ computers to abundance cryptocurrency. However, this belief charcoal unconfirmed.


Monero has afresh been associated with a bulk of abrogating and awful mining stories.

Last month, cybersecurity advisers at China’s 360Netlab revealed a ache of mining malware alleged ADB.Miner. The malware harnesses the accouterments of the adulterated accessory in adjustment to abundance the encrypted and bearding cryptocurrency.

February additionally saw the account appear that accepted privacy-focused burning messaging appliance Telegram had been infiltrated by hackers, who were secretly able to advance biting users’ computers to abundance Monero and Zcash.

Telegram Messenger

Additionally, research has found that the cardinal of websites cheating in malware to abundance cryptocurrencies — including but not bound to Monero — has developed by over 700% in contempo months.

With account belief such as this assertive cryptocurrency headlines, it’s not hasty to apprentice that Calendar 2 was taken off the Mac App Store — for whatever reason.

What do you anticipate about apps and websites which abundance cryptocurrency with users’ machines? Are you accommodating to acquire ‘premium features’ in acknowledgment for computational power? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of AdobeStock, Shutterstock, and Twitter/@fredonline.