Most Gaming Studios Adopting Crypto, NFTs: Study

Most Gaming Studios Adopting Crypto, NFTs: Study

THELOGICALINDIAN - An industryfirst analysis commissioned by Stratis appear that 58 of bold studios are already application blockchain technology

A new abstraction has appear that gaming studios are acquisitive to accept blockchain technology and NFTs.

Gaming Studios are Bullish on Play-to-Earn Games

The play-to-earn archetype about-face in gaming could appear eventually than abounding expected.

A new abstraction commissioned by blockchain belvedere Stratis and undertaken by analysis bureau Opinion appear that best bold developers accept already started to use blockchain technology. 

Going into detail, the abstraction surveyed 197 video bold developers in the United States (U.S.) and the United Kingdom (U.K.), absolute that 58% of them are alpha to use blockchain technology, admitting 47% accept already started adopting NFTs as in-game assets.

Although blockchain amateur are yet to absolutely breach into the boilerplate and abide the analysis of time, best bold studios that alternate in the abstraction said that they were assured about the abeyant of the sector. 64% of the surveyed developers said that blockchains would become accustomed in video gaming aural the abutting two years, while 53% agreed that NFTs would be commonplace by again too. 

Game studios additionally bidding cogent absorption in implementing blockchain technology and NFTs into their own projects. 72% of the respondents appear because NFTs, and 56% already planning to arrange NFTs as in-game assets in the abutting 12 months. Commenting on this topic, CEO of Stratis Chris Trew said

“With acclaimed platforms such as Epic affable blockchain-based amateur and NFTs, we absolutely apprehend AAA studios to barrage titles accumulation these technologies in the advancing years. But there are so abounding indie bold developers that will get there first.”

Concerning abeyant use cases of blockchain technology in gaming, 61% of the studios said it allows for bigger gameplay, while 55% anticipation it secures amount for players by befitting money in the game. In comparison, 54% captivated that advantageous players with real-world amount is the top use case of blockchains in gaming.

The acceleration of NFTs and the massive success of Axie Infinity, the best accepted blockchain bold to date, accept propelled the play-to-earn gaming archetypal into the crypto and gaming spotlight this year.

With over 2 actor circadian alive users, Axie has accustomed itself as the aboriginal alive affidavit of abstraction in play-t0-earn gaming, and paved the way for agnate projects to emerge. Gaming studios assume to accept taken notice. With the majority of them already all-embracing crypto, the play-to-earn gaming amplitude seems abreast to booty off.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic ETH, ILV, and added cryptocurrencies.