NBA Legend Kevin Durant Joins Coinbase to Help Promote the Crypto Exchange’s Brand

NBA Legend Kevin Durant Joins Coinbase to Help Promote the Crypto Exchange’s Brand

THELOGICALINDIAN - American able basketball amateur for the National Basketball Association NBA Kevin Durant is abutting Coinbase according to a contempo address from Bloomberg According to the address Durant will arise as a face of the cast and will advice advance the exchanges announcement content

Kevin Durant Joins Coinbase

NBA fable Kevin Durant, contrarily accepted as “KD,” has abutting Coinbase in an announcement accord that will affection Durant as a Coinbase spokesperson. Durant plays for the Brooklyn Nets as a ability advanced and is widely considered one of the best able basketball players of all time. The Brooklyn Nets brilliant will accompany Coinbase as “a face of the brand” according to Durant’s manager, Rich Kleiman, speaking with Bloomberg.

While Kleiman says that KD does basal amounts of cast partnerships, off-court, the Nets’ advanced is one of the highest-paid basketball players in the apple acknowledgment to his deals with Nike and Foot Locker. “Kevin does very, actual few cast deals and that was by design,” Kleiman stressed. “They’re this new archetypal of cast accomplice for us, area they do accommodate in all altered genitalia of our business,” Durant’s administrator added noted.

Furthermore, Durant and his advance armamentarium alleged Thirty Five Ventures invested in Coinbase in 2017. The NBA fable abutting the Coinbase $100 actor allotment annular that year and has invested in added crypto asset companies such as Opensea. Speaking with Bloomberg’s Kim Bhasin, KD said that he’s consistently had an absorption in financials and business. “Even back I was younger, I was consistently analytical about the business ancillary of things and consistently aggravating to apprentice from the bodies I’ve gotten to accommodated forth the way,” Durant said.

The Brooklyn Nets’ ability advanced added:

Sports Deals Become a Very Prominent Trend in Crypto This Year

Durant’s affiliation follows a bulk of sports deals that accept taken abode this year amid sports-related agencies and athletes, and crypto companies. For instance, FTX has active deals with the Los Angeles Angels’ Shohei Ohtani, Green Bay Packers active aback Aaron Jones, and seven-time Super Bowl champ Tom Brady and his supermodel wife Gisele Bündchen. FTX has additionally partnered with Sports Illustrated and renamed the Miami Heat Arena to “FTX Arena.”

The barter fabricated a accord to rename the Los Angeles Lakers’ Staples Center to “ Arena.” The barter additionally active a accord with the MMA ball close UFC. The better agenda asset armamentarium manager, Grayscale, has partnered with the National Football League (NFL) aggregation the New York Giants. In fact, there accept been so abounding sports deals this year that it has become one of the better trends in the crypto industry in 2021.

What do you anticipate about Kevin Durant abutting Coinbase as an ambassador? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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