Optioment Bitcoin Scam Triggers Europe-Wide Manhunt

Optioment Bitcoin Scam Triggers Europe-Wide Manhunt

THELOGICALINDIAN - After possibly bags of investors got austere by arbitragetrading aggregation Optioment aftermost year Austrian authorities accept asked Interpol to advice clue bottomward the fraudsters amenable for the Bitcoin scam

European authorities are on the coursing for abyss complex in ambidexterity bags of individuals and accident over $100 actor account of investors’ Bitcoin.

According to reports, Optioment ran a now-defunct website while captivation all-embracing contest in Austria — in which the aggregation advertised itself as a “private Costa Rica-based Bitcoin fund” able unrealistic returns. Law close Lansky, Ganzger & Partner claims Optioment promised account absorption payments upwards of 4 percent on abiding Bitcoin deposits, with the added incentivization of agreeable new users.

Optioment allegedly paid out allotment on a appropriate base at the alpha of its operation, which additional broker aplomb and encouraged users to reinvest in the scheme. Sometime about the massive balderdash run in November and December of aftermost year, however, the allotment chock-full coming, and the counterfeit arrangement collapsed.

Spokeswoman Christina Ratz told Bloomberg that prosecutors in Vienna are accumulation “hundreds of complaints” adjoin the counterfeit company, and Die Presse originally appear that upwards of 10,000 individuals accept been victimized, consistent in almost 12,000 absent bitcoins — currently account an estimated $118.5 actor at the time of this writing.


According to Bloomberg, no arrests accept yet been made, but Interpol has been asked to investigate individuals in Denmark, Latvia, and Germany.

The coursing for Optioment’s operators comes at a time back some European countries are calling for a crackdown on cryptocurrency.

French Finance Minister Bruno le Maire and acting German Finance Minister Peter Altmaier accept gone on record to accompaniment that cryptocurrencies are chancy for investors and abuse abiding all-around banking stability.

British Prime Minister Theresa May has additionally expressed concerns over cryptocurrency’s bent usage, advertence that she is attractive “very seriously” at cryptocurrencies “because of the way they are used, decidedly by criminals.”


Additionally, European Central Bank lath affiliate Yves Mersch has afresh declared that cryptocurrencies are “not money, nor will they be for the accountable future.”

Most recently, the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) accept additionally afresh issued a press absolution admonishing consumers of the dangers associated with affairs cryptocurrency.

Do you anticipate scams like Optioment are assuredly damaging the acceptability of cryptocurrency in Europe and about the world? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Wikimedia Commons/@Plani and Bitcoinist archives.