Police in New Delhi Arrest Gang Robbing Bitcoin Buyers

Police in New Delhi Arrest Gang Robbing Bitcoin Buyers

THELOGICALINDIAN - A accumulation of six individuals in New Delhi India accept been arrested by the badge for annexation bodies that they had assertive were affairs Bitcoin with absolute cash

Just back you anticipate it’s safe to buy Bitcoin and added agenda currencies, you apprehend abhorrence belief about actuality beggared in some array of online betray or Ponzi scheme. The decentralized attributes of cryptocurrency agency that those attractive to get complex in it charge do their due activity and consistently be acquainted of abeyant risks. However, such situations are a far cry from what some bodies in New Delhi, India, accomplished as they were robbed while attempting to buy Bitcoin from some arrant people.

Police in New Delhi, India, arrested a assemblage of six individuals who had targeted bodies absorbed in affairs Bitcoin. The baton of the accumulation is Aditya Rajput, who is a law alum from Dehradun. Overall, badge recovered abundant SIM cards, eight adaptable phones, jewelry, and lakhs of rupees in banknote (lakhs are the agnate of one hundred thousand rupees). A agent for the New Delhi badge declared how the crimes would go bottomward thusly:

So far, the badge accept articular seven victims of this Bitcoin robbery scam.

It’s barefaced for individuals in India to be absorbed in Bitcoin. The abridgement was befuddled into some agitation aftermost year back Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided to ban the two better banknotes in the country to action terrorism, corruption, and tax evaders. This move had a huge appulse aloft accustomed activity for Indians as the bulk of money in apportionment was acutely concise and the bulk accessible to be aloof from ATMs was acutely cut as well. This led to a apparent access in the use of Bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies. Bollywood has endorsed agenda currencies, and the government is now absolutely because arising an official Indian cryptocurrency of its own.

That actuality said, it does assume appreciably absurd to physically accommodated addition to barter banknote for some Bitcoin. The being authoritative the bent complaint aboriginal capital to acquirement Bitcoin through a website but was absorbed to a affair in a capital (from area he was again kidnapped) area he was declared to be able to buy Bitcoin at the amount of almost $1,100 USD per Bitcoin. One would say that accepting a Bitcoin for a allotment of the accepted bazaar amount would be a red flag. Having to accommodated addition in being while accustomed at atomic a thousand dollars in banknote to undertake the transaction should accept befuddled up some added red flags. However, acquisitiveness generally wins out, but at atomic those beggared did not ache added acute consequences.

What do you anticipate about the robberies of abeyant Bitcoin buyers in New Delhi, India? Would you accommodated with addition with a lot of banknote beneath such circumstances? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, and Bitcoinist archives.